04; ocean blue

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Days at the house seemed to prolong. Alicia took much caution to my situation with Alec, so she started to show up at my home everyday as if I were deathly ill and my time for life was expiring.

Occasionally when my thoughts were clouded, I thought of my new found friend Eddie and how we simply bonded over listening to one Ramones record. It always put a smile to my face.

The numbers he scribbled across my hand that night soon faded and so I wrote them down neatly on a paper napkin.

The next day when Alicia was over at my place, she sifted through my personal items. She plopped down on my bed next to me with the paper napkin in hand.

“Give him a call.” She pleaded.

“On my own time I will.” I shot her a look.

“Jeff says that you are all Eddie talks about.”

My frown deepened.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” I responded sarcastically, letting my head fall back onto the pillow.

“I know you’re going through a rough patch, but as your best friend it's my job to do everything I can to help you heal and move past from this.” She gripped my hand tightly.

“And I love you for that.” Tears pricked the corners of my eyes.

Alicia cradled me in her arms and I wept. I wept over the two long years of hard work I put into Alec. I wept over the abuse and the abandonment I had to bear.

Moments passed and Alicia wiped my damp face free of tears. I sat up and she took my hands in hers.

“Jeff is waiting on me at the ice cream parlor down the road. Do you want to tag along or do you still need time to yourself?”

Her eyes were soft and sympathetic.

“I could use another outing and besides ice cream sounds really good right about now.”

I decided on the outfit I was wearing would be decent enough; ripped jeans with a ragged hole in the thigh and a spaghetti strapped shirt.

The car ride was silent as I expected. Hell, I had just finished a whole ten minute breakdown. Occasionally Alicia would take a quick glance at me on red lights, making sure I was okay or that sort of thing.

Arriving at the parlor and heading in, I noticed Jeff immediately at a table in the back near the window. Only he wasn’t alone.

Our gazes locked before I even took my seat. Those ocean blue eyes locked on my boring brown ones. Those elevated cheekbones and oval lips struck my attention yet again.

“Hey Alicia,” Jeff greeted her with a soft kiss on the cheek.

“And Delia. It’s nice to see you again.”

I smiled politely at Jeff.

Alicia and Jeff immediately dove deep off into conversation.

Instead of using this as an opportunity to lash out on her for setting me up, I settled on starting a conversation of my own with Eddie.

“Hey.” I said simply, ridding any anxiousness out of my tone.

“Hey Delia.” A hearty chuckle fell from his lips.

“Planning on ordering any ice cream?”

I asked stupidly.

“What do you think we should try?”

I wasn’t aware that we were sharing, but I could deal.


He nodded in agreement and I pulled some cash from my back pocket, sliding it over to him. He slid it back.

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