What I want to say at EVERY LGBT+ PARADE

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(Anyone who listens to Hollywood Undead would know these lyrics)

I feel like this verse is every LGBT person that is standing up for themselves against homophobia

You better get up out the way
Tomorrow we'll rise so let's fight today
You know, I don't give a f*ck what you think or say
Cause we'll rock the whole place anyway

This verse sounds like LGBT people standing up because Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders are rising and they are fighting for it. We don't give a crap about what homophobics say, think or do, because we are born this way and they can't do anything about it. They have to live with us. They say "We are all going to hell." WELL SEE Y'ALL IN HELL TOO! Because God accepts us no matter what we are, because most of us are Christians! The bible clearly states: "He always forgives." And I have to ask if any homophobic people are following me, Where does it say Being gay is a sin? Or are y'all just making it up? I think they don't know the bible is manmade not by God himself

That's all, sorry for ranting, yeah

Bye my Soldiers!


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