Net Neutrality

22 3 20

Hey guys!

So, as y'all heard, Net Neutrality is probably be gonna be taken away. And if that happens, I want to thank everybody on how far I've come, from a cringy 10 year old to a slightly less cringy 12 year old. I want to say goodbye to everyone I've met on here, and to thank them for supporting me all the way.

Wolfieships_xox Thank you for being the best brother I could ask for, and for helping me with my emotions

Blurrberree Thank you for being the best sister I could ask for, and for helping me

The_Kit_Kate Thank You for being a great friend

Minc_Swaggertion / Mincapella Thank you for being an awesome friend, through the bad times

ErinCattail Thank you for being a great friend, and being there for me

Shadow_Wolfy12 Thank you, for being a best friend, on here and real life

And everyone else! I love you all from the bottom of my heart, and goodbye, thanks for the good times through the rough times. I need to stop getting emotional over things like this. Talk to you all (if the law gets passed) in a few decades, or in the next life.

Its gonna be a long life
Without all my friends,
And I'll tell you all about when I talk to you all again.

Goodbye everyone, Kitty out, probably for the last time. I love you all.

RANDOM STUFFSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora