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Okay so I just remembered something that my "grandfather" (he's no grandfather of mine anymore. If you want the story, dm me.) did and it just made it me really upset. I don't care if my sister sees this, I don't care who sees this, I just need to tell y'all how horrible my "grandfather" is.

So we had neighbors, and we'll call them Nat and Ron. Alex would probably know who I'm talking about. Okay, so they had a few dogs, and this particular story is about one that was light brown. We'll call this dog 'Coco'. I didn't know the real name of this dog. Coco was Nat's dog.

My mom, my "grandfather" (I'm going to call him backstabber) and I were in backstabber's truck. And Coco was walking across the road, and backstabber sped up to hit the dog. Both me and my mother screamed at him to stop. But he just sped up more. He was going 70 at this point, he normally drove 40-60 on this road. And he ran over the dog. The wimpers of Coco was horrible for me. (I have a dog or my own, his name is Bull) He got out and checked to see if the dog was still alive. It wasn't. He didn't even say sorry to Nat when she found out.

That was just the beginning of my grudge against him that would last forever.

This was before my grandmother died. After she died, Backstabber would only get worse from that point on. He started to call my mother fat and lazy, even though she did everything for him. And then, he started to call me fat, lazy, any insults he could think of. That was the point of me losing my self confidence. He dragged me down to the point all I would wear were long sleeve shirts, and jeans or leggings. Even if it was hot. I started to starve myself until I got down 185. I was around 215-220. He made me lose 30 pounds in the time span of two weeks. That's not healthy for a 12 year old. I'm now 13 almost 14. I'm back up to 205. Yeah, I'm a little overweight, but I don't care. He just encouraged my habit. My mother was concerned, but she thought I was eating at night. But she noticed I wasn't. It got so bad that I had to take vitamins just to stop myself from passing out.

I'm glad we moved. He was a horrible human being, and he has a very special place in Hell when he dies.

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