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I was preparing myself while I received a call from Nicole.

'Seth! When do you and Finn come? It's about time!' I heard Nikki almost scream.
'We leave in 5minutes, calm down. How many are we?' I asked as I opened the door and let Finn passed.
' Uh, there is me, obviously, John, Brie, Daniel, Roman, you, Finn and Alexa... Yeah that's it, 8. Gonna be awesome.' She giggled as I heard John talking.
'Yep Nikki, Finn and I are leaving right now, we're here in ten minutes.'

One hour later, we were all sit in Cena's several sofas as we all waited for the begging of the biggest ppv of the year.
Wrestling was all I love since i'm 6, I remembered my dad taking me at several shows where the WWE was here for some events. I was in high school with Roman, Finn and the Bellas and by them I met their boyfriends John and Daniel and one of their friend Alexa. The eight of us learned to be friends by sharing our love at wrestling.

'I am so excited for the female ladder match. The women revolution is going so well and I'm so emotional about it.' Alexa said, rubbing her Nia Jax's t-shirt.

It's true that between the moment I've started watching wrestling and now, the women division has improved as well. I grabbed an another piece of pizza while Finn, Brie and Alexa fought about which women between Nia, Charlotte, Sasha and Emma should win tonight. Personally, I'm more for Charlotte but if I said that, Alexa'll kick me in the face before I could say wrestling. I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket and I took him quickly, knowing who was texting me.

Dean : Happy Wrestlemania day!!!

I responded with a smile. I made me comfortable in the couch, sitting next to Nikki as I was texting Dean.

   'Who are you talking?' I heard Nikki say as she almost laid on me, wanting to see my phone.
    'Uh no one.' I said quickly, maybe too quickly for my innocence whilst I locked my screen.

Nikki smirked as she was mumbling a 'mmh', looking at me straight in the eyes. I sighed as I shook my head, replacing my iphone in my pocket.

It was funny to talk with Dean, I maybe let him believe that I don't like his little nicknames but deep inside of me, they make me smile. In fact, Dean was a pretty charismatic person. But I probably preferring to kill myself than telling him it. I know now Dean for almost 2 weeks and it's true that I don't know a lot of thing about it, so does he about me.

I finished my pizza calmly as the kickoff was almost done, when I remembered the deal. It was pretty childish and awkward in a way. Hopefully nobody will know about it because I'm sure they'll be shocked. Yeah, receiving nudes from a guy because of a deal and because you already sending him your dick in pictures it's a bit weird.

I shook my head, anyway if I'm loosing there's no way I'll send him an another picture of my penis. No freakin way. Too bad if I said I will, it's not like I knew him personally.


One of the best Wrestlemania I ever watched. I know I say that every year but still. The fact that the Hardy Boyz had finally come back was one of the highlights of the evening. My heart exploded in happiness as my friends were all screaming in joy.

As I thought about the Hardy Boyz I thought about Renee, the girl who Dean told me about, she wa-

AJ Styles won the fatal 4 way.

Dean : Ok, Styles won, you won too.
Dean send you a picture.

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