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The aera get hotter and hotter everytime Seth felt Dean touching his body. This was a different. A different thing that sleeping with a girl. I almost scared him how much he liked doing this with Dean than an another one.

He bit his neck as Seth felt him accelerated inside of him, hitting his butt with his balls. Seth moaned a lot of time and when he moved a little on the left he started to see stars.

'Yeah babyboy, cum for me, cum for me...' Dean whispered at his ears as his screams get louder.

A hips' movefrom him later, He came between their bodies, groaning his name.

He hung on his hair as Seth let him finishing, my eyes closed while he was inexaltation.

He laid down in this king sized bed, fixing the ceiling. He heard Dean doing some noises but he didn't move. He was froze.

'Are you okay Seth?' Dean asked, sitting next to him. 'Did I hurt you?'
'Yeah, no- I mean, I'm okay. Really.'
'Glad you like it.' He smirked, sweeping Seth's with his eyes. 'Ready for more?'

He knelt down in front of him as they started to kiss again. Seth's hands through his hair, he was in an another world. They were discovering the other's body a second time.

They had to break the kiss seconds later, breathless. He sat down and put Seth on top of him. He smirked, feeling his hands on his ass and they started kissing again. Dean knead Seth butt's cheeks and he groaned, loving it. With a trembling hand, Seth stroked him slowly. They smooched impatiently but when Seth felt his dick growing inside of him, he cried out in pain, didn't expecting it. He started to pecking his neck, his collarbone and he closed his eyes, accustoming himself to him.

Seth started to ride Dean, slowly first andthen quickly, moaning. It was pure sex. Quick, brutal, euphoric. Their forehands against the other, Dean groaned.

'Look at me, Seth.' Dean said it with a husky voice, slapping Seth on his buttock. 'Now.'

He moaned, managing to open his eyes. When he did, Dean's get darker.

'God. Don't move.' He ordered and the second after, Seth was lying on his back, Dean kneld down behind him.

If Seth thought they were fast, it was nothing compared to this moment. Not breaking the eye's contact, Dean accelerated the rhythm. Seth felt that in a second or two he'll come.

'Don't stop, don't stop!' cried Seth and a thrust later, he came, moaning Dean's name.

Dean followed in his orgasm just after, groaning.


Seth was laughing at something Dean's just said through the phone when he came back at his house. Finn was standing in front of him, eating chips.

'He'll call you later.' A pause. 'Oh shut up.' He laughed again. 'Bye.' He hung back and felt Finn's gaze on him. 'What?' He asked, putting his phone on the bar.
'You look happy.' Seth raised his eyebrows, tittering. 'Why are yo- You two fucked!' exclaimed Finn and burstinto laughing.
'Mind your own business, sweetie.' Seth went tohis room but Finn followed him.
'So...Who takes who?'
'What?' Seth started to undress himself.
'Well, who has a pain in the ass now?'
'Okay, shut up Finn, let me take a shower.'
'So, it's you!' Finn laughed again. 'Does he have a big dick?'
'Bye Finn.' Seth said while he locked himself in the bathroom.


The next afternoon, the two flatmates where watching a random program on the TV, dozing. Seth sighed when someone used the security phone in order to contact them. He stood up and touched the button.

'It's Nikki, open the door!' He heard her friend's voice through the entry and looked up at Finn who shrugged.
'Is there a problem?'
'No but you and Finn need get ready because we're going out today.'
'Uh? With who?'
'You're opening to me yes or no?!'

Seth looked up to the sky and opened to Nikki.

Few minutes, here she was.

'Hello cute boys, what are you waiting for? Go change yourself.'
'Is this really necessary? I could stay like that.' Finn said, turning off the television.
'Finn, you're in your old Jericho's t-shirt and in boxer. I don't think it's really appropriate.' She tried to stay serious, but she smiled when Finn started to twerking. 'You're so embarrassing.'

Seth bursted into a laugh and went to his bedroom. He only took a jeans and a sweatshirt.

'Who is with us so?'
'Usual, Roman, John, Brie, Daniel. Oh and of course Dean and Renee.'
'Oh okay.'

She sat down next to Seth and observed him get dressed.

'So.. All good with Dean?'
'All good.'
'I hope we're going to eat pizzas.' Finn rejoined them and Nikki nodded.
'We pick up Dean and Renee and then we drive as far as Des Moines.'
'Des Moines? Why so far?!' Finn moaned.
'So Dean and Renee can visit.'
'Okay..' Finn raised an eyebrow.
'John and I thought it was cooler. We have less that 3 hours of route, it would be alright. And we will get home late in the night.'

One hour later, they were divided in two groups : Seth, Dean, Renee, Nikki, Roman where in Nikki's pick up and the other group was John, Brie, Daniel and Finn in Daniel's car. Nikki was driving and next to her was Renee. They were currently singing some WWE's theme song and Roman was going to kill himself in a minute. He was tired of hearing the women's voices destroying the beauty of wrestlers' themes.
Dean was looking through the window, his hand on Seth's left knee and the last one didn't know why but it made him feel nervous. Roman and Dean were talking politely about some things and Seth was focusing on the songs.

'Uh?' He looked at here.
'If you do nothing, can you give Renee my phone which is it in my bag at your feet.'
'Yeah.' Seth bend to take Nikki's bag and he felt Dean's gaze on his back and his ass. 'Here.' He gave Nikki's phone to Dean's friend.

They restarted to sing but this time Renee was filming here, certainly for Snapchat, thought Seth.


Almost one hour later again, the two girls stopped singing and in the car, all was calm. They were almost here and, because it was almost eight p.m, Brie, through the phone, decided they met up in a restaurant, in Des Moines' center.

Seth rethought about what happened yesterday. Uh, if you'd told him months ago he'll be fucked by a man, Seth would have punch you in the face. It isn't the fact it was homophobic, God no but he lived with homophobic's uncles and aunties and he knew his dad wasn't comfortable with that so every since he was a kid, they always said that two men who where together was against nature. Seth never listened to them, because when they thought Seth didn't listen they laughed about how much it was good watching two young ladies fingering the other. It almost made Seth sick. Her mother was the opposite of her husband's brothers but she never said a thing, it was almost pathetic for Seth.

Suddenly, Seth frightened. How his parents will react about him and Dean? Or will it last? He was fine with Dean but he wasn't sure it was going to last. Well, maybe when Dean and Renee will get back to their city, they won't ever see the other again. Maybe Dean and him was just an experience or their relationship will stay sexual and no more.

Seth turned his head and saw Dean winking at him. As an answer, Seth did a little smile and looked somewhere else.


Next chapter : the little trip at Des Moines and the beginning of problems.

I hope you liked the chapter, I'm not really about it but I'll do my best to please you more with the next chap.

I'm sorry again for the waiting.

See ya for more Ambrollins, babies.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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