alex standall [3]

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You show up to your best friend Alex house in tears. You knock on the door and after a minute he opens it. You immediately wrap your arms around him and just let it all out. He leads you inside to the couch and you just keep sobbing. Confused he tried to comfort you and ask you what's wrong.

"I-I just hate life right now. My mom is always choosing my sister over me and I feel like she doesn't care about me anymore. I feel like no one loves me at all." You sob.

"Y/n I know you may think that no one loves you, but everyone loves you. Your mom, dad, sister, me." He says looking at me.

"I know you love me Alex, I'm your best friend." I say with a small smile.

"Y/n I love you in a way that's more than a best friend love. You are the my sunshine. You make me so fucking happy when I'm down. Your smile is the most beautiful thing in the world. I am so in love with you." Alex says looking me right in the eye. I don't hesitate to kiss him.

"Alex, I've been wanting to tell you the exact same thing, but I've been too scared of rejection." I say. "I love you so fucking much Alex." I kiss him again, he kisses me back passionately. I'm so lucky to have someone as amazing at him.


Idk about this one... do you like it?

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