bryce walker [1]

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you were sitting in the bathroom stall playing on your phone when you hear someone mention that the police were here at liberty.

"what the hell?" you say outloud as you walk out of the bathroom.

you see the police officer pull out handcuffs and put them on bryce walkers wrist.

"finally..." you murmur.

"bryce walker you are under arrest for suspicion of sexual assault." everyone gasp and the halls go silent. you could hear a pen drop.

"what the hell are you talking about!" bryce yells.

"you have the right to remain silent." the police officer says calmly.

i take out my phone and turn around and take a quick selfie. in the back you could see bryce in handcuffs with the police officer behind him.

"this is gonna be my new lockscreen."


yooo idk why i wrote this lmaooo i needed to update. comment who you'd like an imagine on next!!!

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