zach dempsey [4]

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it was the weekend of your birthday and you had no plans, or at least you thought you didn't.

suddenly zach your boyfriend barges into your room.

"zach what the hell?" you ask laughing.

"well, julie, it your birthday weekend so i'm taking you somewhere. also we're leaving in an hour." he smiles.

"what? an hour?" you freak.

"yeah, now pack your bag, we won't be back till monday."

"oh my gosh zach!" you say jumping up. you start to throw stuff into your duffle bag.


you guys drive and drive for hours. you guys sing to your favorite songs, stop at new restraunts, and occasionally stop for a make out session.

after a whole day of driving and sight seeing you stop at a hotel to rest.

"zach, thanks for taking me on this road trip, you didn't have to." you say with your hands on his waist.

"anything for you baby." he says. he then pecks your lips.

"oh! i forgot!" he says quickly. he goes to his bag and pulls out a box.

"julie, i love you so much. these past 10 months have been the happiest of my life. you're so beautiful. your my sunshine." he says as he opens the box to reveal a necklace with a sun on it. it was beautiful. on the back it had engraved really tiny 'i love you sunshine."

"thank you so much zach!" you say and kiss him passionately. "i love you so much."

"i love you too!" he says smiling down at you.

i have no fucking idea why i made it end like that lmao sorry

this is for antihoshial

sorry it's really bad :(

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