Chapter One

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"Well I guess I'll go and enjoy the rest of the day before it gets bad tomorrow. I'll see you guys at dinner."

Kurt Hummel said to his parents, masking the fearful and sad emotion on his face. He and his parents had been told that David Karofsky, Kurt's biggest tormentor, was going to be coming back to McKinley's halls and Kurt knew that when the bully came back, he'd be in a world of trouble. He had barely made it down the hall before his father called out to him.

"Hey Kurt, wait a minute. Your mom and I want to say something."

Kurt cocked an eyebrow curiously before walking back into a spare room with his family.


The more Blaine found himself sitting on the couch and staring out to the blue sky, the more he found himself thinking about those beautiful blue eyes that were surrounded by stunning pale skin of porcelain and rose pink lips that held the most beautiful voice Blaine had ever heard in his life. Kurt. The sound of his name on Blaine's tongue was like saying something so exotic and unique as the boy itself. Blaine was broken out of his reverie by not the crazy antics of his friends, The Warblers, or by some song they burst into but instead by the constant buzzing of his phone and the sight of a familiar sleek midnight black Lincoln Navigator pulling in. With his sight, Blaine could see Kurt, pointed ears and all, buzzing in his seat while typing away on his phone. Blaine's phone buzzed more and he grabbed it before running out of the room fast.

Kurt frowned when none of his texts to Blaine were answered so he got out of the car after turning it off, ready to walk into the prestigious school that would soon be his future home when Kurt felt a rush of air and before he knew it, he was off the ground and surrounded by a body of warmth and tight arms. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and let out a bubbly laugh with Blaine's one. He opened his eyes and crystal blue locked with golden honey, eyes Kurt could never not get lost in.

"I can't believe it!! You're gonna be coming here, living here!! We'll get to see each other everyday!"

Kurt giggled as Blaine put Kurt back on the graveled ground and peppered his face with kisses. Kurt moved to speak but Blaine moved with him and Kurt laughed more like bells in the wind.

"Mama! Mama, Papa! Help!"

Kurt squealed playfully as his parents and Finn watched on with amusement as they watched Kurt's boyfriend of just three months tickle and kiss the stress and pain out of their son and brother who couldn't stop laughing even as tears fell down his cheeks. Mariè giggled and eventually went over, placing a hand on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine chuckled and let his boyfriend go to catch his breath so Mariè could hug him. The woman had become another mother to him than his own and he treasured their bond even if she was a fae and he a vampire. Burt came over and he hugged the man as he would one of his friends. Finn gave Blaine a manly hug before letting the boy go. Soon Blaine was walking them to the Principal's office with Kurt hand in hand with him. Kurt couldn't a smile off his lips as he looked back at his parents gratefully. His mother blew him a kiss and Kurt blushed.


Kurt opened his eyes to see those golden honey eyes looking at his crystal blue eyes. A light breeze blew around them in the semi tall grass and Kurt smiled peacefully as he nuzzled closer onto Blaine's chest. Fingers danced around his scalp and peace flowed through his body. If only it were real and Kurt could truly indulge in it. Something snapped him awake and Kurt opened his eyes to see light after light bypass him, pain flowed heavily through his body instead of peace. He couldn't feel his fingers, his toes or anything else. Everything hurt at once that he couldn't pinpoint where he was affected. And then he looked left and a part of his regretted it.

Blaine being wheeled the same way as Kurt, burns littered his skin, various cuts and bruises but above all there was a long blood covered pipe in his midsection. Kurt tried to speak but all he could manage was squeaks of pain and that's when his ears popped back in and it was nothing but doctor speak. Kurt couldn't understand what they were saying but he willed himself to move, to reach out and just once touch Blaine. To feel his heartbeat but once he did, Kurt let out the most pained, most agonizing, loudest scream in all of his existence but he saw it.



Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine's curls, a golden glittering shield over them protecting them from the licking flames. Kurt couldn't see who it was but Blaine made it quick to try and protect Kurt from most of the exploding damage but there was a scream of pain and a gurgle of sorts like a clogged throat. He opened his eyes and shook as he saw a metal pipe just inches from his stomach but embedded in something or rather someone, someone Kurt loved dearly. He fell along with Blaine, ignoring the burns or the ash collecting his throat as he hugged Blaine tight as the shield faltered and cracked and the foundation began to fall around them.

"You die, I die...remember?"

Kurt choked out while holding back a sob before he realized Blaine fell sight and Kurt looked up to see a roaring fireball in the form of a beam was coming towards them fast. He accepted the fates and closed his eyes, hoping that somewhere in the next life he would be with Blaine.


"Oh Burt...our baby boy..."


Kurt heard faintly before he smelt honeysuckle and jasmine, felt soft hands like clouds grasp his good hand, felt lips of love on his hairline and he softly groaned, his eyes fluttering open. It was blurry and even trying seemed to hurt but Kurt forced his eyes to open even if he could only open them a little.

"Easy scooter."

Papa. Kurt nearly cried in relief but he couldn't stop himself as he choked out a keening sob and tears fell into his hair. He realized that he was breathing into a mask and that made him cry more. Blaine. Blaine. Where is he? Is he okay? Kurt willed himself to move but all he could manage was keening sob after another even as his mother ran her fingers through his hair.

"Shh shh baby it's okay. It's okay baby boy."

She tried to reassure him when Burt thanked a nurse and took over, wheeling a figure over to Kurt's bed in the form of Blaine Anderson healed but still very broken. Crystal eyes locked with golden honey and hands grasped each other tightly as Blaine rubbed the pain from Kurt and took it himself until the fae calmed down. Kurt looked at Blaine and watched as the vampire stood on shaky legs and sat on the edge of his bed, leaning down carefully to press a loving kiss to Kurt's temple and then press his nose to it in a silent 'I love you'. Burt, Finn and Mariè watched as Blaine raised a trembling hand and Kurt soon followed suit, the two hands floating an inch away from each other but following all the same in silence. Blaine may feel tired and broken but Kurt was more broken and it didn't take much to see it. They were broken together but they wouldn't dare heal without each other. It would be a long fight and a hard struggle but they could do it. They could handle it. They just had to try.

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