Chapter Six

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Blaine walked into the familiar hospital room and sighed sadly as he sat by Burt's bedside. He looked over and saw a black peacoat with gold and black buttons which was Marìe's coat so Burt wasn't alone. He looked at the sleeping fae and began to speak. "Hey Burt...It's Blaine. Uh...Kurt couldn't come with me, well, not couldn't but more like I made him stay back and rest. He really misses you a lot, we all do. I'm...I'm doing my best to take care of him but I don't think my care is the thing he wants. He needs you. We all need you, so please wake up. Come back to us." He then just sat with the comatose man even when Marìe entered the room and gave her a hug.

"Where's Kurt? Is he with you?" She asked and Blaine shook his head. "He's at Dalton. He locked himself in the music room and is ignoring everyone. I'm afraid he's making himself sick. We've been trying everything." Marìe sighed sadly, looking at her husband before looking at Blaine. "He and Finn have always idolized Burt since he first used magic to get them from a tree. Then it came to football for Finn and taking Kurt to the music store that he used to take me to on our first date. They have a bond. But the doctors say that his brain activity is strong and his heart is healing better now. I suspect he'll move at some point."


Three weeks passed until Kurt found himself walking into the room full of beeping. He breathed shakily and forced a smile on his face even though his father couldn't see him. He shakily took his father's hand gently in both of his own and pressed his forehead to them before raising his head.

"Hey's Kurt. I'm sorry I didn't come back after a while. You're probably ashamed of me and I'm so sorry. I just miss you and it hurts to see you like this when you're usually sitting in your chair watching a game or some meaningless TV show. I miss your voice and your hugs. But don't worry Daddy, Blaine and the rest of the guys have been taking care of me. They're so amazing and you'd be proud of them for it. Mom and Finn are." He sniffled and used his sleeve to wipe his eyes, squeezing his father's hands. "I miss you daddy. You promised that you'd be there to see me play violin like mom at every performance and that you'd see all of Finn's games and cheer him on. Please, if you can hear me, squeeze my hands. Squeeze back. Squeeze b-back, p-please.." Kurt's thrust started to constrict with tears and as he bowed his head and sobbed, tears falling onto his father's hand and soaked into the skin, Burt's hand began to fold in Kurt's hand. Kurt opened his eyes and saw the small movement before it ended and heard a groan as he looked up to see forest green eyes open slowly. "Will someone turn off that alarm clock?" Burt muttered before turning his head, shocking Kurt who sobbed and hugged his father tight, taking Burt by surprise before hugging his son back carefully and slowly. "Dad.." Kurt nuzzled his cheek in his father's shoulder and cried in relief. Kurt stayed when the Doctor and Nurse checked Burt's vitals, when his mother came bursting into the room crying with Finn in tow still in his football gear. Burt hugged them both and kissed their heads. Two days later, he was able to go home and put under a special diet to avoid another heart attack which Marìe and Kurt took very seriously. After Kurt was sure that his father was alright, he drove back to Dalton and walked in with his head held high and a confident smile on his face. He walked towards the Warbler common room and pushed the doors opened as each Warbler including Blaine, Wes, David, Nick and Jeff looked at Kurt.

"What are we sitting around for? We've got Regionals to prepare for."

The room was silent before it erupted in cheers and claps. Kurt walked in and smiled when a Warbler came and high fived him or hugged him until he reached Blaine who pulled him into a tight hug and kissed him, dipping the fae back. Kurt smiled and pulled his lips away. "He's okay?" Blaine asked and Kurt nodded with a watery smile. "He's okay. Now come on, I know that Wes hasn't opened that Regionals envelope since everything." Kurt said that last part loudly as Wes blushed and smiled, settling into his chair. The council member looked around with a real smile in weeks. "It's good to have you back Kurt, we totally didn't miss you." Kurt playfully rolled his eyes and Wes smiled, opening the envelope.

To the Dalton Academy Warblers, as you know, the 56th annual Regionals has a theme for each performance and since you blew away the competition with the freelance at Sectionals, we welcome you to continue as such but to the theme of folk/foreign music. We cannot wait to see what you surprise us with.

Regionals Board

The room fell silent before bursting into a panic uproar. Each boy was freaking out except for Kurt who sat in his seat on the couch smugly until Jeff pointed him out dramatically. "Spill it Hummel, you know something!" Kurt feigned surprise and shook his head, hiding a smile. The rest of the Warblers pleaded and begged, some even got on their knees. "Please please please please please please please please please please PUH-LEASE!!" Jeff begged and Kurt laughed, giving in to everyone even Blaine who dared to show his puppy eyes. "When I was little, folk or Irish music was the only thing to put me to sleep so my mom and dad would sing it to me every night. When my mom got sick, I'd tuck her into bed and sing some to her. Even Finn and I made up our own one time." Kurt smiled at the memory.

Finn, 10, and Kurt, 9, sat outside on the backyard lawn chairs, staring up at the stars. Kurt's elven ears twitched at the tips in delight as he saw the moon, bright and big, in the night sky escape from behind clouds. "It's so big! Do you think it's possible to touch it?" Kurt asked and Finn looked away to smile at his little brother, pulling him close when the little boy shivered. Even Finn was human and Kurt was a fae, Finn loved his brother all the same even if bullies said he shouldn't. "If you jump high enough. I hear that if you sing to it, it'll grant you wishes." Finn said and Kurt looked at him in awe before looking at the moon. In a few minutes, the silence was full with melodic humming and oohing. Finn opened his eyes to see Kurt sitting in the moonlight on the grass, head stretched back and eyes closed as sweet, melodic music came from Kurt's throats and floated up to the night sky. Finn didn't even know he was crying or joining in until he found himself sitting next to his brother and singing along with him. It became their thing on every full moon to sit outside and sing or talk.

"Kurt? Kurt, are you okay?"

Kurt opened his tear stained eyes and looked at the many worried faces. He wiped the wetness from his face and sniffled, smiling. "I'm fine guys. Just an old memory. Anyways, yes, I know a few so I'm sure I can find some for you guys and Blaine to perform." "Whoa, don't you mean for you and Blaine to perform?" David said and Kurt looked at him confused. Wes shook his head and smiled, looking at the fae. "Do you really expect us to push you to the back after you won us Sectionals? They loved it. The board, the judges, they loved the way you performed and if anything, the crowd loved it. Why wouldn't we showcase that?" Wes asked Kurt who was blushing and looking down at his hands. Anytime he picked up his violin, it was to play a sad song and since his father woke up, he hadn't touched it in a while. He looked up at the hopeful voices and faces before nodding and relief spread out through the room. "Let's get to practicing then. We have much to do." Wes said and everyone went to work.

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