Chapter Seven.

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Kurt closed his eyes as he sat in the middle of his bed, trying to play his song for Regionals but he always ended up strumming the wrong chord, messing up on a spin or performing the wrong step. It was Kurt's tenth failed attempt when a voice made him stop from throwing his violin against the wall.

"Don't stop."

He turned his head and saw Quinn leaning against his doorway, watching him intently before entering his room. Her gentle hands covered his clenched ones and soothed them before squeezing them gently. She looked in his eyes and Kurt looked into hers. "You have a unique talent Kurt. I've seen it and the New Directions were so so stupid to not see it but some of us have seen it and we've never seen you so free. You're stressing out over nothing." Kurt scoffed and rolled his eyes. Quinn chuckled and smiled. "Okay, Regionals is pretty big but knowing you, you'll blow that crowd away. You can't perfect what you have. You just have to let it free. Now, I actually came up here to say that dinner is ready and Finn was too lazy to come upstairs and get you." Kurt laughed and hugged Quinn. She hugged back and smiled, rubbing his back. The two then locked arms and headed downstairs. Two days after Quinn's talk with Kurt, Kurt locked himself up in his room and looked at his violin, taking a deep breath before picking it up in position. The new song sheet in front of him was close to folk and close to home for him. He took another deep breath and began to strum, playing the notes as he stood gently and swayed to the music, dancing around his room bowing and twirling with his eyes closed. If he concentrated enough he could imagine playing dragon with his father, sitting on Burt's shoulders with his arms stretched out to the sides as Burt ran around. Finn playfully chased Burt around while Marìe laughed. Kurt played vigorously and sniffled as he saw Blaine and the Warblers before his eyes with the various movie nights, pranks, chats, Jeff, Tristan and Antonio coming with Kurt to see Lindsey Stirling, to Blaine who saved Kurt from many nightmares, who listened to Kurt play many songs and dance. Memories were just flashing that Kurt didn't notice that he was playing a different song. His movements got faster and involved more kicks and bends forward and back.

He played into the next night, perfecting each move with the beat in his heart and allowing the flow to lead him where he was supposed to go. No one disturbed him or called him down for dinner so Kurt could get it out and when he did, his mother was cooking dinner, Finn was setting the table and his father was sitting in the living room, watching a game. The melodic sounds of the regular dinner tradition made Kurt smile as he stood on the last step for a really long time until three pairs of eyes were looking at him until he snapped out of his dreamy state. "Hmm?" Finn chuckled and put the last plate down. "I was asking if you were okay but you looked like you were over there composing or something." Kurt blushed and walked over to hug his father tight around his shoulders. Burt patted his son's arms and smiled. "I think someone just found a breakthrough. Something I doubt the Warblers or those other teams are ready for." Kurt blushed harder and chuckled. "Maybe." He said before standing and going to help his mother in the kitchen with a warm smile and happy heart.

A week later

Kurt, Jeff, Antonio, David and Tristan had spent a lot of time after classes in the dance studio with Kurt helping each person with the steps when there wasn't a Warbler meeting or date night. Wes stressed a lot that Regionals led to Nationals and that the Warblers had to reach Nationals at least. If not, there's was always next year but all of the Warblers were pumped to at least attempt to make it and always pointed that Kurt's talent was their reason. Even Blaine agreed that his boyfriend did make the Warblers better no matter how many times Kurt denied it. In a way, Kurt felt bad that the New Directions didn't win but also happy because the Warblers were good but sometimes they just needed a kick and it turned out that Kurt was that kick.

"Okay, I think we all got it so let's run through and don't worry if you mess up because the more we practice, the more you'll get it." Kurt said and pressed the button on the remote before Kurt quickly and smoothly joined in for the first note. The boys got into the first position as Tristan took over vocals. Kurt, Jeff, David and Antonio began to move behind him before falling into line with each other. They skipped, twirled, bent, lunged and sung in harmony as they moved as one unit. Kurt concentrated mostly on playing along and leading as they reached the second chorus, smiling when the guys got it fluidly and they moved as one again. Despite being able to see a crowd forming behind the glass in the reflection of the mirror, the boys concentrated alternating between twirling and lunging around Kurt in a wide circle as the fae played faster and bent all the way back before wiggling up smoothly and swayed side to side, his feet doing an Irish jig he and Finn used to do. He spun fast on his toes and kicked his feet together as he took the pause in the song as a break to breathe before falling in line with the boys and playing again, the crowd cheering them on. The dancers stamped their feet in place, sliding one foot behind each other over and over before landing on one knee, Kurt finishing with a flourish.

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