Chapter Two

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A month and a half later

"Are you sure about this scooter? We can just go home and you and Blaine can do this another day."

Burt said, looking in the rear view mirror where Kurt and Blaine were holding hands, dressed in their Dalton uniforms. Kurt had his head resting on Blaine's shoulder, both of their hands intertwined on Blaine's lap.

"No. We want- need to do this Papa. I'm not letting those stupid jocks ruin this for us."

Kurt said confidently, drawing smiles from Burt, Mariè and Blaine. The car fell silent except for the music playing from the radio. Kurt closed his eyes and let the drive pull him and Blaine into their mental place where the couple are in a field in the softest, lightest clothing. The sun was shining and Kurt was curled up in Blaine's arms, head over the vampire's heart and their hands laced together.

"I'm glad you stayed." Blaine said, pressing a kiss to Kurt's head.

Kurt, in real time, opened his eyes and smiled up at Blaine, his eyes slanted.

"I'm glad you did too." He whispered.

Soon the car pulled up in front of Dalton Academy and it didn't take long for the boys to run towards the choir room hand in hand, running through the doors before frowning.

"Where is everyone?" Kurt said.

Suddenly both he and Blaine screamed as the Warblers popped up with pop rockets and streamers yelling "SURPRISE!!" A banner rolled down saying 'Welcome Home Klaine!!' Kurt and Blaine walked in hand in hand, smiling and accepting hugs. Jeff, Kurt's best fae friend jumped on him, causing the pale boy to laugh and catch his friend who clung to him tight. Kurt and Jeff got along fast on Kurt's first day and the two had been inseparable since.

"I missed you so much bestie! It's been so boring and I haven't messed with a single person!!!"

Kurt just chuckled and put Jeff down on Nick's lap before turning at the clear of Wes and David's throat. Kurt now noticed that all the Warblers fell silent and crowded around him, Blaine just behind him and Jeff sitting next to Nick, hands clasped and a special smile on their face. Wes spoke first, authority leaving his body and changing it into a teenage boy addressing his friend, his brother.

"Kurt. Yet again you proved to amaze us by surviving yet another struggle. I can't imagine how hard it's been and I know you wanted to give up at times but you and Blaine have made it and I know you'll continue to make it. I know this not the same as before but maybe it will lift these halls again if you let it. This is for you, Kurt, from all of us."

Wes turned and took a wrapped case from David and turned to face Kurt. The moment Kurt saw the shape of the case, his breath hitched and he swore that he tried not to cry. He took the gift gently and opened it after ripping the paper off, tears falling from his ocean blue eyes in rivets, hands shaking as he flipped the locks up and lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful, chestnut violin like his one from before. He bowed his head and let a grateful sob leave his lips as he kneeled down. The Warblers watched in worry but then Wes found himself with arms full of Kurt and tears on his neck as he hugged the fae back, rubbing his back.

"You're welcome."

"Well after that tearful experience, I think it's time we get this celebration on the way." David said and Kurt nodded, carefully holding the violin like a precious jewel, Blaine was behind him rubbing his shoulders and arms before wrapping his arm around Kurt's waist. The Warblers cheered and spread out to either start the music or eat. Kurt turned in Blaine's arm and the vampire began to admire the gift his boyfriend was given when he noticed his face.

"What? What is it?"

Kurt looked up and bit his lip before speaking.

"I haven't played since the fire. What if I can't remember how?"

Blaine shook his head in disbelief before placing a hand on Kurt's cheek, wiping the tears from his cheekbone. Kurt stared into those golden honey eyes, his salvation, and bit his lip again. Blaine pressed his lips to the space between Kurt's eyebrows before pulling back to look at him.

"You will. It's in your heart."

Kurt nodded and soon the boys had let loose and joined their friends in various games and dances before Kurt got an idea, opening the Warbler Book of Songs, a book full of suggestion songs for the Warblers to try. Jeff noticed a glint in his fae friend's eye before nudging Nick. Nick looked over at Jeff and then Kurt before looking confused. Jeff leaned over and whispered before watching as Nick called over Wes, nodding over at Kurt. The Asian vampire smiled before going over to David, telling him about the idea he had. Eventually Kurt came running over to Wes, pulling him over to ask what he wanted privately. Wes agreed and went over to change the song. Wes took over the first verse, Kurt hidden behind the makeshift curtain.

I remember, I remember those days

The sound of the violin echoed in the room, making the boys look around for the sound. Kurt bit his lip to keep from laughing as he moved the bow over the strings elegantly, fingers playing the familiar notes

Laughing out loud, staying up too late
Staring out the window whilst I see your face
I remember, I remember those days (I remember those days)

Blaine now understood and took over the next verse, smiling to himself.

We had a little bit of time but it's never enough
Remember driving all night, we'd been talking 'bout love
Now that you're gone the show is done
We had a little bit of time but it's never enough (no it's never enough)

I remember, I remember those days [x3]
I remember those days

Kurt moved from behind the curtain with a smile, the boys applauding and whistling before letting the boy play the notes and dance around the stage. Kurt closed his eyes and let himself feel the music and let it lead him around like a guide. He barely registered taking his shoes off and socks, bare feet floating on the floor as he strummed the bow. The Warblers got into position and sung together in harmony while Kurt danced around the room and played to his heart's content, the Warblers keeping their tears from constructing their voices.

(The Warblers)
I remember, I remember those eyes
You saw my heart with that lowly disguise
In your arms there's nothing to hide
I remember, I remember those eyes (I remember those eyes)

I remember, I remember those days [x3]
I remember those days

When Kurt began to play vigorously, his feet moved faster yet lighter as he spun around in time, a smile on his face and a light in his eyes. The Warblers and Blaine watched him with a smile before they followed Kurt behind his solo. Kurt used his memory of how he and Blaine felt in the hospital, never letting the other fall without each other there to pick them back up. They may have lost their old selves but their new selves were picking up quick.

I remember, I remember those days [x3]
I remember those days

I remember, I remember those days
Laughing out loud, staying up too late (I remember those days)

Kurt played the final notes head bowed and feet still, his fingers bringing the piece all together while The Warblers brought out the harmony softly, standing behind Kurt. Students who were passing and had heard the performance cheered louder than ever and whooped, Kurt blushing when his friends pushed him further out, cheering for him as well so now the whole room was cheering for Kurt who bowed with his violin and smiled, red in the face. If Wes deemed it a Sectional number, Kurt couldn't disagree.

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