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Jackson loves all of you so much and I do as well he was pretty sad yesterday but you made him feel so much better thank you 

•during soundcheck•

I'm strumming my guitar getting ready to play stitches when I look over and see my son crying on the floor brian and Andrew trying to calm him

Instantly I get up and walk over to him picking him up carefully as he stops crying in my embrace

I sit back down on the stool given to me Jackson on my lap

"What's wrong buddy?" I ask in the mic

"I miss you when you singing." He says shyly knowing all these people can hear him

"He misses me." I say softly in the mic as the crowd begins screaming loudly

I pat his back soothingly, I mean he's only three years old I don't blame him usually he has Madison to keep him company during shows but she's seeing a doctor in Toronto right now and can't be here

"Daddy why are they all screaming?" Jackson asks loudly into the mic

"Because they want my attention." I say softly making them scream out louder knowing they actually have my attention

"But I want your attention daddy why don't you love me as much as them?" He huffs out crossing his arms

"You have all my attention buddy." I say kissing his head lightly as he giggles "I love you nut."

"I love you too daddy! But why do they want your attention your just my daddy.. right?" he asks oblivious to who and what I actually am

"Well I'm also their favourite singer, I'm not only your daddy, I'm kind of there dad too but in like another way, like you get to sleep in the same bed and me and mommy when you get scared and I can sing you to sleep and watch how happy mommy gets when we play together, I can kiss you goodnight and we can watch movies all day long, but it's different for them, I'm like.. I'm like their hero in some way." I explain to him as he nods, slightly making the crowd jealous

He turns standing on my toned legs hands on the mic

"My dada is my hewo too! I-I wanna be a swinger." He says getting some words wrong "I miss mommy!" He screams casing the audience to scream and I just chuckle I'm used to his screaming by now

"I know buddy me too!" I say kissing his temple

"WHERE IS SHE?" a fan yell out causing me to chuckle again

"She's seeing a doctor back in Toronto." I say and everyone screams our questions

"IS SHE OKAY?!" One fan yells

"WHY IS SHE THERE?" Another yells

"Yes she's perfectly fine, and you didn't hear this from me but she's there because, actually no I better not tell you then I'll end up needing stitches." I say chuckling as the audience boos playfully while laughing

"I'm hungry!" Jackson yells causing me to smile, my son being the most adorable human ever

"Okay nut we'll get you some food." I adjusting him on my lap

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