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@madisonmendes ,

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@madisonmendes ,

Happy birthday my sweet. You are 23! you're and old man. I'm so incredibly lucky and grateful that you chose me to be by your side forever, thank you for everything you've given me, not materialistic wise but love, companionship, our family. You've given up so much to make me happy and I never fully gave back to you, I was a young mom, I didn't what to do and I couldn't handle it alone, of course you needed to work and provide while Jackson was still young but whenever I needed you you dropped what you were doing and rushed home to be with me and then baby, I'll never be able to tell you enough or show you the way I need to but I love you so much. I want you to know that no matter what happens to us if the future and whatever life throws our way we are going to be together and we are going to handle it with strength and love. The thing that a lot of you guys don't know is when Jackson was a baby he would be teething at 3 months and would never sleep, Shawn would stay up with jack in his room just so he didn't feel alone, every time I would have to stay up all night because he was being fussy Shawn would never hesitate to take him in the morning, go for a walk or sing him a song while I got to sleep. I'm so exited to welcome our newborn daughter into this world very soon, think of this as your birthday present from god. Jackson, baby and I love you with all our hearts and we want you to have the best day ever, so tomorrow when you wake up you'll be beside me and baby while Jackson is probably jumping on the bed trying to get as much daddy time as he can. Don't worry about anything tomorrow I will take care if it all, today is your day and I love you so much.
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