Chapter Five

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(Hour 3)

At this point in time, we realized our mistakes. There was no way in hell that we could keep him here any longer. Christian Bale had gone COMPLETELY nuts. And there wasn't much we could do about it.

Except to let him out.

"Look Everard, I know you have an unhealthy obsession with this man. But we NEED to let him out before WE go crazy."

"But Blackleyyyyyyy," Everard whined. "You don't even understand. We were supposed to start our LIFE together up here. This was my big-break. I was going to get famous. I would live with the love of my life, we would go live in a beautiful mansion, and we could be MILLIONAIRES!"

"You know, your dream is sounding more and more like you're in love with Bruce Wayne and not Christian Bale..."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Everard snapped defensively, tears welling up in her eyes.

"And isn't he married?" Everard's face went blank, her eyes glazed over as she stared straight ahead. Blackley waved her hand in her face, worried for her friend. "Uh, Everard?"

"N-no," she choked, tears streaming down her face. She smirked evilly, causing a great deal of concern in Blackley. "Not anymore."

"Uhh," Blackley whispered.

"Alright, but seriously, we should let him out." Everard turned to look at Bale. He was pacing back and forth once more, distraught-babbling spewing from his luscious lips. "I'm worried for his safety and wellbeing, that poor, sweet man..."

"Alright, let's go unlock the door." Blackley said, standing up. Everard joined her, the two of them staring blankly at each other.

"Don't YOU have the key?" they both asked, fear consuming their eyes.

Neither of them had the key.

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