Chapter Ten

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(Hour 18)

The girls woke up, completely rejuvenated and ready for a day of brainstorming how to escape. They turned back to the corner, seeing that Christian Bale was completely asleep.

But something still didn't feel right.

Something WASN'T right...

"Wow," Everard breathed heavily. "I cannot believe that we have met The Batman." She was giggling, the hallucinations overtaking her brain.

"I knowwwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWwwwwww," Blackley breathed. If her eyes could be in the shape of hearts, they would have been.

"Look, we've gotta help him out of his mid-life crisis!" she cried. "What do you say, Blackley?"

"I think," she giggled, "that that would be a greeeeeeaaaaat idea."

"Perfect!" Everard chided, licking her lips as she looked upon the broken man.

"Here's what we're going to do." Blackley's voice was suddenly assertive, her hands gripping Everard's shoulders as she shook her violently. "We're going to give him a full night's rest, and then, when he's awake, we're going to give him the most inspirational pep talk of the CENTURY."


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