Chapter Six

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The two girls tested their luck, their hands trembling as they reached for the door handle. They pulled on it at the same time, disappointed to learn that it had not magically unlocked.

"How could you have forgotten the key?!" Blackley practically screams.

"I THOUGHT YOU HAD IT?!" Everard actually yells.

"Everard, this is freaking JCPenney® all over again. Remember, when we were walking around the store for a good few minutes looking for the exit only to realize that we were each following the other? Well I guess we got into that mess all over again. You'd think we'd learn."


At this point, Christian Bale took notice.

"What...WHAT WOULD BATMAN DO?!" He felt around his hips, deeply disturbed. "I FORGOT MY UTILITY BELT!"

"What kind of utilities?" Blackley winked, moving closer towards the distraught man. Everard hit her. Very hard.

(Get it? Hard?)

^ Blackley wanted me to take that out, but I'm not gonna let that happen. <3
^^ I'm pretty sure they get it without you flat out saying it.
^^^ Equality for all, am I right?


Christian Bale decided that, even without his utility belt, he was going to be the hero of the night. He majestically ran to the door Baywatch-style, jiggling the door handle with all of his force. He screamed angrily, causing the girls to stifle their laughter.

"He's so dreamy and handsome," Blackley cooed, drooling as she swooned.

"Watch it, pal," Everard threatened, watching Bale as he began babbling again.

"It looks like we're going to have to wait this out," Blackley sighed.

"I mean, at least we're with Christian Bale. It could be worse, right?" Blackley groaned, flopping to the floor in disgust.

"You're right. We could be with Ben Aflac®..."

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