
143 13 0

「 july 7th, 2013 」

dear rosemary,
no one sees me anymore rose. my parents barely look at me, and when they do all i can see in their eyes is pity. that's the way everyone looks at me now. i still get the occasional i'm sorry's from people who saw it on the news. who read about it or heard about it from their friends. but that's all i get — a few i'm sorry's, a couple sad looks, and pity. and i get that they care, but it's frustrating because i want them to give me more than that rose because you gave me more than that.

you gave me hope rose, and i don't know if anyone else can.

you made me believe that even when was drowning, you would always pull me to the surface.

and i'm sorry to tell you this rose, but you were wrong.

Rosemary | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن