author's note.

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hopefully if you're reading this that means you finished the entire story. which also means you forever have my love. thank you so much for reading rosemary. i truly hope you enjoyed it. this story is something that i can happily say i am proud of. back in 2016 when i started this story i had no idea where it was going to go, and now, a year later, its complete!! although, i did take a really long break from writing this book back in august because i had no inspiration or ideas. it was early this year that i found rosemary, which only had around 50 chapters, and began writing it again. if it weren't for me digging around through my other wattpad accounts, i may never have found this story and you wouldn't be reading this message today, so thanks to my past self. anyways, if you guys have any questions about the book or me or anything else really please ask in the comments as i am going to publish a q & a chapter in this book (i think) at some point. also apologies to anyone who may have been confused by the hinting to of rosemary's mental illness i know i was vague but i wanted you guys to know she had a mental illness without making it completely obvious what it was so sorry if you didn't understand. just to make it clear, rose had bipolar disorder but didn't tell people so only her family knew. 

anyways, ask me questions & please love me.

— layla n.

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