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「 august 4th, 2013 」

dear rose,
your fatal flaw was your hero complex.

you wanted to help everyone and save everyone and make everyone feel okay rose, but you couldn't. and when people rejected your help there was nothing you could do. that didn't stop you though because you always tried. you made everyone smile and laugh without even trying because there was just something about you rose. everyone drifted towards you.

even me.

you were my axis rosemary. the constant in my life i could always depend on. you were who i revolved around rose, and with you around, i never felt lost.

until now.

now nothing is the same. and it never will be.

and i pray and pray to whatever god is out there to never make me immortal because i'd never want to live for an infinity if you weren't a part of it too.

Rosemary | ✓Where stories live. Discover now