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「 august 29th, 2013 」

dear rose,
i always loved the person who i was with you. when we were together i got a taste of how it felt to be you - confident and smart and like i was larger than life.

but without you i'm just kate.

sometimes, i wonder if you can see me from wherever you are. i wonder what you would think of me if you did. i don't mean anything to anyone after all now. i'm even starting to doubt you. i'm starting to forget you. i've already lost who i was when you were here . . .

i wonder if you remember when we sat here, under the tree in my backyard just a little over ten years ago, and you handed me something.

it was a silver infinity bracelet, but i noticed on the infinity symbol there were words.

kate & rosemary.

when i asked you what it meant you said, "me & you for infinity, because we'll always be together."

if only you were right . . . 

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