Chapter 16

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Emma's POV


The car ride was really quiet. All I could think about was my dad and all the great times that we spent in Annie's Diner. I would of never in a million years guessed that Jace would bring me there. It's nice to have gone and shared that moment with Jace, every minute I keep spending with him just makes me realize how great he is. He isn't was his appearance shows you...we'll never mind he is egoistic and a bad ass, but when you actually get to know him he's just perfect.

"I'd give anything to know what your thinking rite now." I hear him chuckle.

"If you only knew." I sighed.

"We'll maybe you can tell me." He smiled.

"Yeah, just keep driving."

"Hey do you mind if we take a different route tonight?" He asked.

"Uhh, sure I guess." I said softly.

"If you want to just go home you can just say it." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"It's fine Jace, really." I smiled.

"Finally you smile, you've been serious the whole car ride." He placed his hand on my thigh.

"Sorry, just got a lot on my mind." I sighed.

"Oh, about your dad? Well besides that you got to admit this has been the best date of your whole life." He smiled.

"Oh really? The best date of my life? Your not even close." I smirked.

"I bet you--- you know what hold that thought you'll say this has been the date of your life without me even asking." He stopped the car.

It was very dark outside but I could tell we were in the woods. We got out of the car and Jace took me by the hand to lead the way. We walked through a small trail which I couldn't see anything from how dark it is. Tall trees surround us everywhere, I knew Jace has been here before because he new the way by memory. I crash into Jace's body once he comes to a complete stop. I open my eyes in amazement. It was a place surrounded by trees that had little lights hanging from the branches and two blankets with some pillows laying in the middle. It was so romantic and the sky was covered in brights stars.

"Jace." I stayed paralyzed with my mouth opened.

"Yeah yeah, I know it's really simple and cheesy." He sighed.

"It's perfect." I kissed him on the cheek.

"You really like it?" He asked kind of shocked.

"Off coarse! I love it how did you do this." I asked.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you." He smirked.

"Whatever loser." I stuck my tongue out childishly.

"Well this loser is going to make you take back those words." He smiled.

"Oh really now? Whatcha gonna do?" I poked his chest.

"Wrong move babe." He said.

Soon I began to run as he chased me all around the blanket. I knew sooner or later he was going to catch me so I took a run for the woods. I ran as fast as I could evading trees and bushes, which was really hard since it's pitch black outside. I could feel his footsteps behind me and also hear him laugh. I look back to see him with a wide smile plastered on his face and when I look back to the front I trip over some branches. I thought this was only suppose to happen in the real stupid scary movies. I tried to get up but my ankle hurt really bad making it impossible for me to move. I look up to see Jace laughing hysterically at my fall.

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