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   riley woke up twenty minutes before her alarm. she rolled over to turn it off so it wouldn't bother her as she got ready for school. she was going to call maya tonight, and with knowing that, she knew that her day was going to be good.
the brunette sprung out of her bed, walking to her closet. today she wasn't going to try too hard. a graphic tee and some navy blue skinny jeans would be just fine. she had no one to impress, and she knew there was no need to impress anyone. well, maybe maya.
after throwing on her outfit for the day, she took herself into the bathroom to put her hair into a messy side braid and brush her teeth. she met her eyes in the mirror and sighed. pulling on her cheeks, she groaned. all she managed to see was a sickly, skinny, pale girl. everyone else told her that she looked healthy and fine, but she couldn't manage to see it. she hated herself. seeing the body she was in made her cry. she took a deep breath, wiping tears from under her eyes as she did her hair.
   making her way out of the bathroom, she took a look around the hallway. her dad was usually awake, ready to take her to school, but he already left. ever since riley came out, he's done his best to avoid her. she didn't know if it was because he was scared of what she would say, or if he actually hated her.
   "mom! dad left. can i have a ride?" she asked loudly down the hallway.
   her mom yelled yes back in response as riley made her way downstairs to try to eat. she was never much of a breakfast person, but her mother started to get on riley about eating breakfast a few months. since then, she tried her best to eat in the morning, even if it was something small like an apple or some toast.
   riley scavenged through the refrigerator before deciding that all she wanted was a peach. she reached for it in the fruit basket, taking the last one. she held it in her mouth as she went to the living room to grab her backpack that she had left hanging up on the hook on the wall.
   auggie emerged from his room, waving at his older sister before exiting the apartment. he got a ride from ava's mom every morning since he started two hours later than riley did, and no one would be home to take him to school. riley waved goodbye to him as she put her backpack over her shoulders, taking the peach out of her mouth.
topanga emerged from the opening in the hallway. "ready to go?"
riley nodded, heading for the door. she knew she had to face may today. their last encounter was a bit... weird, and she wasn't prepared to experience the next one.
riley and her mother made their way to topanga's car in silence, but that's just what the girl needed. she needed to think about what could happen before her mom asked her questions. she knew topanga was holding them back to give her time to gather her thoughts first. that's what riley appreciated the most about her mother. she always thought of what riley needed before doing something. it was considerate.
as soon as they got into the car, topanga let out all of the question she had bottled up like "so, how are you and that girl?" and "have you met anyone at school?"
riley sighed. "mom, is it weird to think that the girl i talk to online might go to school?"
topanga let off a small chuckle. "actually," she replied. "that would be a lot better. i wouldn't have to worry about some old man coming in and swooping up my daughter."
all she could do was laugh at her mom's response. she enjoyed that her mom wasn't being too serious right now. it was too early for seriousness, and riley didn't want to take the time to process that.
they made it to the school and topanga waved to riley as she got out the passenger seat, shutting the door swiftly behind her. the girl took a deep breath as she stared at the school like it had eyes staring back at her. it felt as if the school wasn't he'd her every moment and knew what she was going to do next despite riley not knowing a damn thing.
after a good stare, riley realised that she might look a little weird just staring at the school as if she was a new student. she shook her head to unlocked the eye contact she made with the school's imaginary eyes. heading into the entrance of the school, she scanned the hallway for a small, blonde girl wearing combat boots. it was rare for may to not wear her combat boots, but riley couldn't complain. they looked so cool. they were so worn down, dirty, and you could just tell that they belonged to a girl who stood out like a glowing, yellow star in a empty, dark night sky. after a moment of searching, she found them. it was by the "abandoned" red lockers that only a few students would go to to put away and gather their school supplies.
   riley gulped as she pondered if she should go to her or not. she decided to fight her anxiety and go to may.
   "hey," stuttered riley as she stared at her feet.
   may turned to face her, her hands neatly folded behind her back. "who set you up to talk to me?"
   the brunette shook her head rapidly. "no one! i just wanted to talk to you."
   she scoffed, "i thought you would be mad at me for the other day."
   riley couldn't lie.
   "i was... for a moment! but it's okay now, i have other things to worry about more," she replied.
   may nodded and walked carefully to riley's side, pushing her arms through the gap between riley's arm and ribcage. riley's body got hot as she quickly turned away to hide her bright pink face. just having her arm interlocked with her's made her heart flutter and float away as if it was only tied down with a string on a windy day.
   "so, let me take you to class," may insisted as she practically began to drag the flustered girl away.
   snapping out of it, riley smiled. "yes, i would like that."
   they walked down the hall, and everyone's eyes were following them. snickering and whispers were heard all throughout the hall, and riley could feel may tense up.
   "we're taking a little detour, riles," may growled at her as she dragged her in the direction of the bathroom.
   riley's feet were swept out from under her as they made their way into the girls' bathroom. the angry girl threw riley into the handicapped stall, slamming the door and locking it.
   "i'm gonna be late," riley exclaimed as she tried to push past may whose hand was right in front of her.
the blonde glared at her, shaking her head in response.
   riley walked back, slamming her back against the bathroom wall, her backpack uncomfortably pressing against her back. she stared into may's piercing blue eyes, trying to get an answer out of her as to why she couldn't leave.
   may sighed, leaning against the stall door. "you can't fucking tell anyone, matthews."
   the brunette stood on her toes, rocking back and forth. she was scared of what may was going to tell her, but she was stuck in that stall with her, the girl that she was completely infatuated with; it made her antsy.
   the small ball of aggressiveness and anger walked up to riley, standing on her toes to whisper, "everyone was staring because i'm gay, matthews. they probably think we're a damn item now. i knew that this shit was a bad idea. i'm sorry."
   she turned and before may could leave, riley grabbed her petite shoulder, stopping her in her tracks. she turned her back around to face her and without a second thought placed her lips against may's. her hand was under may's chin, tipping it up towards her face as she tilted her head down to reach her lips.
   peaches. she tasted like peaches.
   riley pulled away, looking at the expression on may's face. shock was the first emotion riley could pick out. she could tell how confused may was and how that kiss made her brain become mush. as riley stared, the small girl wiped her lips.
   "what was that for, riley?" she stuttered. "i-"
   riley smirked. "you liked it, didn't you?"
   swiftly, may grabbed riley's shirt collar, pulling her down to eye level. "don't fucking mention it to anyone."
   she swung open the door, storming out while leaving riley alone. the brunette stood there, trying to gather all of her thoughts. did she really just do that? did she really just kiss may?
   "fuck," riley blurted out. "what is maya going to think?"
    she ran out of the bathroom and to her next class despite there not being a point to it seeing as how she was already fifteen minutes late.
• • • • • • • •
   riley placed her plate on her nightstand. she decided to eat dinner in her room since she was just going to avoid her father if he was going to avoid her.  she was also anxiously waiting for a call from maya. it was the one thing she was looking forward to all day.
   riley snatched her phone in her hands, almost dropping it off the side of her bed. "maya!"
   a faint giggle came from the other end. "riley!"
   "i missed you. how was your day?"
   "eventful," replied maya. "want to hear?"
   riley put her phone on speaker so she could clap her hands excitedly as a response.
   "alright, so, i went to school today, just like everyone does at one point. i saw this girl, really fucking cute, right?"
   riley's heart broke into a million pieces once she heard that line. "oh."
   "like damn. anyways, she came up to me and struck up a conversation with me. i decided to walk her to class, but i just couldn't contain myself so i took her outside of school and into my car. i fucking kissed her in the front seat and practically almost fucked her. we got caught by admins, though. a fucking bummer."
   just when riley thought her heart couldn't break more, the millions of pieces became billions in less than a second. "yeah, eventful."
   "tell me about your day," maya continued.
   riley sighed. "i kissed a girl in the bathroom, and she tasted like peaches. i thought of you and got upset."
   maya gasped. "peaches? i love peaches."
   for a moment, it fell silent. riley was holding back tears. her problem didn't seem like such a "mistake" now, but she knew that may was probably just a big flirt. so much for having a chance.
   "want to video chat?" asked maya, trying to break the silence.
   riley took a deep breath. was maya really willing to video chat? to show her face? she needed to take up that chance before she changed her mind. she needed to know what maya looked like.
   "yeah! of course. i look like shit, though," she answered.
   suddenly, her phone started ring.
   "maya wants to facetime"
   riley swallowed before answering.

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