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   riley's palms got clammy as she accepted the call. once the camera showed her, she realised that there wasn't a face. it was pointed at a light on a yellowish-white ceiling.
   "aw," riley whined. "i thought i was going to see your face."
   maya scoffed, "let me get comfortable with you first."
   riley just smiled big and nodded as she held her phone in the perfect place. her face was perfectly in frame, having very little "blank space" behind her.
   "you're as beautiful as always, matthews."
   the brunette's face became pink as she tried to hide it in her one free hand, failing miserably. she didn't want maya to know how easily she made her happy and flustered. that wasn't a part of her she wanted to show anyone. how the smallest words made her feel a whole hurricane of feelings that she couldn't explain nor comprehend.
   how could someone make someone feel as if they were floating? it was a concept that riley could hardly grasp, just like the light she was staring at instead of seeing maya's face. how desperately riley wanted to reach out and grab that light as it felt as if it represented the girl. a light could bring so much brightness and happiness, but once it's gone, the darkness just consumes everything and anything. that's how it felt when maya was gone. riley felt alone; being alone was a feeling she despised. when maya was there, she felt this happiness that no one else had ever provided to her.
   "i bet you look beautiful too. just like you probably always do," riley finally responded.
   "meh," maya groaned. "thanks. i don't really think so, though."
   riley gasped. "how could you not? you're perfect both inside and out!"
   "how do you know?" maya asked, her tone harsh.
   "because i don't have to see you to know basic facts."
   the soft tone of riley's voice seemed to instantly cancel maya's harsh tone. maya just sighed, making her camera move slightly.
   riley could now see the top of the blonde's head. she sat in her bed eagerly as she watched the camera continue to move down more and more. finally, it landed on her eyes. they were the brightest of blue. the ocean seemed to be trapped in orbs and were given to her to see from. the waves still crashed around inside, leaving the purest blue that almost seemed white; the marine life was still swimming around and thriving.
   riley couldn't stop staring into maya's eye. her eyes almost pierced into maya's soul, and as soon as maya noticed, she looked away.
   "no," riley muttered. "bring them back here. i love the ocean. let me stare into them longer."
   the camera moved quickly, causing it to blur before focusing onto a face: maya's face.
   "may? penelope? maya?" riley stuttered out.
   her thoughts were jumbled up, and she couldn't contain them. it really was maya that she kissed in the bathroom. it was really maya that yelled at her for confronting her about her possibly being... well, her. everything was maya. she wasn't in love with a mystery girl because the mystery girl wasn't a mystery anymore.
   "i kissed you," riley blurted out.
   "and i liked it," maya replied. "want to do it again?"
    riley sat there puzzled. this couldn't be real. there was no way that all of those people were her. riley didn't know if she should have been angry or happy. maya had lied about who she was, but now she finally knew. 

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