3. W E I R D P E O P L E

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Y/N was sitting on a chair in front of Black Hat, after she let him go. The villain was explaining some things to the girl.

Apparently, Black Hat is the owner of an evil incorporation, Black Hat Inc., and sells weapons for other villains, with the main objective of destroying heroes. However, Dr. Flug is the one who builds them.

In this conversation, it was pretty clear to Y/N the way Black Hat hates heroes. She can't blame him though, she never was a big fan of heroes.

And Y/N could finally notice his accent, apparently British. She chuckled every now and then when he talks because she think it's cute.

"...From now on there will be danger in your life and you'll have to deal with it. You must be aware of this." Black Hat explained in a serious tone.

Y/N couldn't hold her chuckles anymore and started to laugh out loud. Indeed, his accent is too cute.

"DO YOU THINK SOMETHING HERE IS FUNNY, MISS L/N?" he angrily shouted at the girl. She just laughed more, making him even more mad, and Black Hat grabed her by her shirt. Faces way too close.

"I don't like your behavior, little miss." he says low, in a terrifying voice.

"Sorry, sir..." Y/N said wiping a tear away, her laugh finally ceasing. "I just think that your accent is really cute."

"CUTE? ME?" the villain got even more angry, if that's even possible. But somehow his violent behavior did not afraid Y/N. "THAT'S AN ABSURD!"

"Yeah..." she laughed more and sighed. "Absolutely cute."

Black Hat growled angrily, rolling his eyes and let go of Y/N. He adjusted his coat and closed his visible eye briefly. "You better stop saying such things to me, kid. I have been quite soft with you because you are only a fragile, weak human." he said said. "But I might change my mind, so be careful."

Y/N thought she saw him slightly blushing. But it was probably her own mind tricking her.


After finishing the conversation, Black Hat dismissed Y/N and then the girl left his office. He said that Y/N should pack all her stuff because from now on she will be living on his house. Well, little did he know that Y/N was already going to do that anyway...

Y/N was currently searching for Dr. Flug to say goodbye to him and say that she will be living on the manor and working for Black Hat, too. And also because she was really curious to see what kind of stuff the scientist does.

Passing through a big scarlet hallway, Y/N found herself looking at a lot of paintings of Black Hat. He already has a lot of paintings from a lot of different artists, all of them from different eras. This made Y/N ask herself why would he chose her to paint one more. And what a narcissist..

Y/N kept thinking until her eyes laid upon a huge blue bear. With a yellow flower on the top of his head. Wearing a maid outfit. Humming a song. While cleaning the hallway.

The bear finally noticed the confused girl and smiled warmly, walking to her. She was not sure of what to do or if it was dangerous. But when the bear opened his arms and hugged Y/N tight, she knew she was safe.

"Whoah, hey there, buddy!" Y/N said smiling, hugging him back and patting his head softly. He was too fluffy.

The bear made some happy noises that Y/N didn't understand but there was no need to.

"Is there any case you know where Dr. Flug is?" Y/N asked hopeful to the adorable creature. He then nodded happily and somehow grabbed her hands, bringing her to a part of the house she still haven't seen.

While being carried by the bear, Y/N noticed a certain pattern on the walls. Small top hats. She chuckled at that.

Her watchful eyes looked at everything and anything interesting. Until a scream interrupted that.

"Get out of here, Demencia!" through a metal door, Y/N could hear Flug's voice and a sound of glass being broken. She looked confused at the bear, and he looked back at her nervously, trying to explain something. He then opened the door and entered, bringing the girl with him.

This room was a huge laboratory. With lots of machines and weapons. But it was mess. Probably because a girl was tossing objects on poor Flug.

The girl wore some punk clothes and a green ponytail that goes down to the floor, together with pink bangs. And also a hood that resembles a lizard...? Anyways, she was hella cute indeed.

"Demencia, stop!" Flug tried to protect himself from the... attack. The other girl, Demencia, just laughed really loud and didn't stop at all.

"I DON'T WANT TOOO," she hummed loudly with a wide grin.
Y/N cleared her throat loud, making both look at her. Flug sighed and seemed to be relieved to see Y/N was okay.

Suddenly, Y/N felt someone jump into her and causing her to fall on the floor.

"Ouch..." the girl said with her hand on her head and eyes closed from the sudden shock. She finally opened her eyes and saw what it was.

Demencia was on the top of Y/N, sniffing her curiously, almost like a dog. She then finished and grinned widely, showing her little fangs.

"YOU'RE NEW HERE!!!" she said excited, way too loud, looking into the girl's E/C eyes. Y/N was kind of paralyzed from the sudden closeness and couldn't really answer her. "WHO ARE YOU?! I'M DEMENCIA!!"

Flug sighed, annoyed with that. "Demencia, can't you just let her go?!" he took her away from Y/N, then helped the girl to get up.

"BUT I WANT TO KNOW WHO SHE IS!!" she contested, trying to come closer again, but the blue bear hugged her, making it not possible.

"That's not a polite way to try to introduce yourself to someone, Demencia!" he shouted back to Demencia and then looked back at Y/N, sweating nervously. "S-sorry about her, she is kinda..."

"Lively? It's okay." Y/N answered, smiling, and then looked at Demencia biting the poor bear to set herself free from his embrace. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Demencia. I'm Y/N."

Demencia stood silent for a moment when the bear let her go. She just grinned. "IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU TOO!"

"Oh, miss Y/N, I think I haven't introduced 5.0.5 to you yet..." Flug rubbed the back of his head. "He was supposed to be a destructive, terrible monster..." he looked at 5.0.5 that started cleaning the mess Demencia just caused. "...But you can see that it went wrong somehow."

"Wait, are you telling me that you made him?!" the girl asked incredulously, her excited eyes shining. "That's amazing! Can you show me more of your inventions?!"

"W-w-well, yeah, sure..." Flug laughed nervously, blushing lightly. "You see..."

Evil Masterpiece ❬ Black Hat x Chubby!Artist!Reader ❭ ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now