8. T H E A N S W E R

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just a note
the song on this chapter is hella important ?
watch the video with subtitles then youll understand ok


"Hey, Black Hat," Y/N's soft voice called from behind the big canvas. "You've been really quiet lately. Is something wrong?"

"You think so?" the villain asked briefly and somehow low, trying to stare at anything besides the girl. "I don't really know why."

Oh, he knew. Indeed he knew. The truth is that Black Hat tried to forget about those little disgusting new feelings. He even tried to avoid Y/N for a day. But, all along, he knew he couldn't.

Her tired half open eyes landed on his thin figure, willing to find out what was going on with her boss. "Hey, just for you to know, you can rely on me and tell me anything is on your mind,"

Y/N looked quickly at the floor and then back at the canvas, trying to keep her voice as soft as possible. "I mean - only if you want to, of course. No pressure, man."

Oh, damn. Every word she said, every sentence. Her voice made Black Hat's chest tighten up a little bit. And all for something he doesn't even understands yet. And whenever he does not knows what is happening, he gets mad.

"I don't need nobody to talk to, child," the villain said awelessly, his voice more raspy than ever. He felt some kind of regret after it, though he wouldn't show it. "I am self sufficient."

Lies never stay hidden for too long, sure. The truth is that Black Hat never felt something besides rage and love for himself, of course. This was the first time he felt the urge of attention.

"I know you are, boss," the girl smiled relaxed as she watched Black Hat avoiding her eyes. "But everyone needs someone. I think... life doesn't makes sense if you don't love or aren't loved."

"Well," he finally turns his gaze at her, curious but still mad. "I guess it's obvious but the only thing I'll ever love is myself and that is all I need."

But the villain didn't wanted any kind of attention. He wanted her attention. Her affection. Her compliments. Her smile. Her laugh.

He wanted her.

"Hmm," she mumbled quietly, deep in thought. "Yeah, I think you're right... People should love themselves more often, too."

The room suddenly is filled with silence - a comfortable silence, at least to Black Hat. The pencil brush on Y/N's chubby hand moved gracefully on the canvas for one last time.

She finally finished the painting, smiling in the process. It was a relief, but Y/N enjoyed all the hours of work, mostly because she could spend some time alone with Black Hat. But it's not likes she like him or something! It was just because he is interesting. Nothing more.

Black Hat hid his excitement and got up, slowly walking to the girl besides the painting. He was right all the time. Y/N indeed is a really talented artist and the painting was so stunning. Perhaps this is now his favorite painting.

"So, what do you think?" she asked excitedly with one of her hands on her hip and the other holding a pencil brush. She grew nervous when Black Hat didn't answered. He just stood beside her, staring at the painting with a serious expression.

"Hm. Hmm. Hmhmm..." he murmured low, putting a hand on his chin and closing his visible eye, only making Y/N more nervous. He then opened his eye and looked at the girl, patting her head slightly. "You indeed have surpassed my expectations. Congratulations, miss L/N. I officially approve your work and dismiss you for the day."

Y/N squealed happily clapping her hands and hugged Black Hat as usual. Again, he didn't let her go. He just... stood there, enjoying this strange and pleasent feeling of having her body near his own.

When she finally let him go, he felt some kind of weird pain on his heart. It wasn't a physical pain or something like that - but it felt like it. And he absolutely hated this feeling.

His body was acting so strange because of Y/N. Throughout all the centuries that Black Hat passed on Earth, none human was capable of something like this, hero or not.

Y/N was just a common human girl. Why would she have this power on him?

The more he thought about it the more confused he got. Nothing made sense at all. The villain was so confused and mad. He wanted answers. And he knows exactly who will give them.

The sudden noise of someone abruptly entering the laboratory made Dr. Flug jump of fright and drop some papers on the floor.

"FLUG!" Black Hat shouted walking to the poor scientist, whom was trembling of fear.

"J-j-jefecito, qué pasa? Do you need something?" he asked sweating, waiting for the worse. But his boss surprised him.

"Look, Flug," Black Hat said low so none besides the scientist could hear. "I think there is something awfully wrong with me."

⋅ ⋆ ❦ ⋆ ⋅

"A-are you serious about it, sir?" Flug asked curiously looking at his worried and moody boss.

"Of course I am, you fool!" the villain answered angrily. "I wouldn't joke about something so serious..."

Dr. Flug then looked at his note pad, checking all the "symptoms" described to him. Oh, great. How was he supposed to explain something like this?!

"L-look, jefe, I am not assuming m-my explanation is the right one, but..." Flug nervously tried to say. "A-all the symptoms you've described are identical of somebody who is i-in love."

Black Hat listened carefully.

"Hmm, it makes sense. Wait, what?!" but then realized what it means.

"T-this is the only explanation I have, jefe," the scientist closed his note pad calmly. "I can't r-really tell what is going on, though. You're not a human. B-but, if you're really in love with Y/N, then I guess that love works the same way universally."

"Specify." Black Hat demanded serious.

"W-well... when humans fall in love, the dopamine levels surge, causing them to have an intense euphoria around a certain person and an intense craving to be with them. Then, a neurotrophin called nerve growth factor increases their emotional dependency. Lastly, serotonin levels drop, increasing desire."

"And this is exactly what is happening to me..." the villain nodded, finally understanding.

"Yes... I think t-this is the answer, sir," Dr Flug said. "The answer is love."


Qué pasa?: what is happening?

whut is happenin >:0

someone got it or not
well if someone is wondering yes that scientific explanation of love is reaaaaaal

its 5am now im gonna sleep babye

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