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Let me touch your face
the way raindrops touches you

I promise
I will be soft
I will be tender
I will be lovely

you look so blue

let me be the raindrops
cause I never seems to get enough of you

let me be the raindrops
so that you can't hide tears in my disguise.

let me kiss your face
while I pour myself on you.

let me be the raindrops
let me be the raindrops

so that
I can make sure
it is me on your face
not a tear drops

let me be the raindrops
and never let me stop

I will wash away your sorrows
I will wash away your pains
I will wash away your aches
I will wash away the past

let me clean you
let me make you smile

why you're stopping me to do so
you know it
I know you when you say so

I'm fine

let me take care of you
let me bloom the rose of yours

let me be the raindrops
and let me stay on your face

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