Forbidden feelings

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Why this has to be this hard.?
I know who you are.
I know what I am

The place where I want you to be
You don't belong there at all
wanting you will surely break me
but I still do that, hoping you will see

I have seen you from far
I'm still doing that
but now something is telling me
the things I think has became feelings

I know where you belong
what you are to me
but I am to you

And it hurts to know
the place where you stands
is not the place I go

forbidden place and forbidden feelings
but you makes me feel them
but you take me there

I know its not fair
what I feel for you
that will go in vain
the tears and sobbs
that endless pouring rain
that screaming to forgot you
that thoughts of nothing will I gain

I know
but I still wants you

I know
I will never get you

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