Chapter Two: The Call

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I sat there on at the end of my bed, wearing only my bath robe and a towel on my head. I was debating on whether to call my sister, Rhiannon. Rhiannon is my older sister and she has a lot more experience with "bad boys". I mean, I guess it's kind of stupid when you think about it. It's not like I'm going on an actual date with the guy. It's more like an appreciation dinner thing. Still, I wanted my sister's advice. It was already 6:00p.m. so I had to make it quick, so I could finish getting ready. I picked up my iPhone and scrolled to my sister's number. It rang all of two times.

"Oh my gosh, Helena! It's about time your crazy ass called me! I've missed you!" I was greeted by the sound of my sister's angel-like voice. She always had a nice voice, no matter the tone or octave.

"Hey, Rhiannon. I'm sorry it's taken so long to call you. I've just been very busy. It's been weird trying to settle into a small town like this all the way across the country. Plus, the kids here are a lot different than back home and teaching is different. I've been enjoying it. How have you been?"

"I've been alright, just dying here without you, sis. You know how it is with Mom and Dad. They're always calling me when I'm at work and when I'm at home begging me for your number and wanting me to beg you to contact them. I told them that you would contact them on your own when you're ready and until then I would like for them to leave me alone if all they're going to do is ask me about you 24/7."

"God, I'm so sorry, Rhi. I just can't face them right now. I can't bring myself to speak to them, I don't trust them. You know how much they love him. You know they would choose him over me on any given day."

"Don't apologize, Helena, it's not your fault. Terry is a fuckin psycho and Mom and Dad still feed into his stupid bullshit. They believe all his crazy lies. That's why they'll never get any information about you out of me."

Terry Holcomb, Beverly Hills High School star quarterback class of 2005. Terry and my sister went to school together and graduated in the same class. She was a cheerleader and dated Terry's best friend and that's how I met Terry. Terry and I wouldn't start dating though, until I was sixteen, the legal age of parental consent. My parents love him from day one and I did, too. We done everything together. I started going to college at Stanford in 2010, when he was in his graduating year there. He got his bachelors in engineering that year. A year later, we would marry and begin what I thought was going to be our perfect life together. Boy was I wrong. Months into our sweet little marriage, the stalking began. Then the mental abuse, and after that came the physical abuse. My parents never believed a word that I told them. Terry was too perfect in their world to be so evil. Some nights he'd come home drunk and he would force himself on me. Other nights, he would slam my head into the sink or the wall, whatever was closest and would hurt the worst. One night, he broke my nose and I had to have reconstructive surgery done on it. That is the day that I went to live with my sister and her longtime boyfriend, Michael. Terry would stalk me there and at school. Then at my job. He came to my graduation. He stood outside my sister's house and one night he broke in and tried to kill me. That's when my sister and I decided it was time for me to start over far away from this place. Michael has an aunt that lives out here in Riverdale. Under the condition that I didn't ask her for any handouts, she would provide me with a home to move into that I could begin paying on when I had a steady income. I immediately took her up on that offer. Her name is Penelope Blossom, I only met her twice. Once when I moved here in the summer and she gave me the keys to the house and then again when it was her son's funeral. I felt horrible for her. Michael didn't come because he was afraid Terry would follow them here. She understood. Now here I am...

"Thanks, Rhiannon. You know I really appreciate you and Michael. I just feel awful that you guys didn't come to his cousin's funeral because of me." I said after I came back to reality.

"It's ok, Helena, Michael and his aunt both completely understand. She wasn't mad, she is rough around the edges, but she just wants you to be safe. She's evil, but for some reason, she really likes you. That's what she tells Michael, anyways."

"Well, I'm glad that she likes me, but I don't know why. I've only met the woman twice. So, Rhiannon, I need some advice and I really hate to cut our conversation short, but it's already twenty after six and I'm supposed to be ready for something by 7." I said in one breath.

"Alright, lil sis. Shoot, what doya got for me this time?" She laughed.

"Well, I have this student who's really talented and I thought it would be great for him to go to Stanford after high school since Uncle Wally is the dean and all and I know he will let him in with my recommendation. So, I set up a meeting with him and his dad after school today. Well, it turns out that his dad is this super sexy dangerous motorcycle gang leader. I mean even in my pumps, this guy towers over me. He's like six-foot-tall and has huge muscles and kinda scruffy, but the sexy kind of scruffy and he's 36 years old." I told my sister all about FP like a giggling school girl.

"Helena, haven't you had your fill of bad boys, already?"

"Rhiannon, he's a bad boy, not a psychotic stalker killer."

"Alright, fine. Let me first ask Michael if he's heard of him since he used to live there. I mean he sounds like he's sexy, but you should be careful, sis. Just let me yell for Michael." I listened as my sister called out her boyfriend's name and then asked about FP. Michael is originally from Riverdale and is FP's age.

"Well?" I was getting anxious.

"I've got you on speaker, Helena. So, we can both talk to you." Rhiannon said.

"Hey, Helena, it's Michael. Listen, I went to school with FP, you need to be careful. That dude is bad news all around. Especially if he's running the Southside Serpents, now. Those fuckers are dangerous and they're crazy. They're thieves and drug dealers, steer clear of them, sis. They're no good, especially FP, you can't trust him. Worry about his son's education, but don't get caught up in FP. He'd never lay his hands on you, but he's still dangerous. Just be careful."

"Did you hear all that, Helena?" Rhiannon was back on the phone now.

"Yeah, I got it, sis. FP and his son are picking me up at 7 for dinner, so I'm going to get off here. Don't worry, it's just an appreciation dinner for helping his son. I need to finish getting ready. I love you, Rhiannon." I mumbled.

"Awe, sis don't get all mopey now. It'll be alright. Hey, mom's calling anyways, so I will talk to you later. I love you, too. Bye." She then hung up and walked over to my closet to pick out something to wear.

" She then hung up and walked over to my closet to pick out something to wear

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