Chapter Seven: Jailbird.

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My fingers tapped the desk repeatedly, as this was what I done when I became anxious. Sheriff Keller just stared at me, waiting for me to answer his questions. How could I, though? How could I spill my whole life story to a stranger, even if he is the sheriff?

"Well, Mrs. H, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on." He said, still staring. Staring at the scar on my face, no doubt. I had just washed my face and got ready for bed when Terry broke in. The sheriff made me come down here to answer questions without even giving me any time to put make up on.

"Sheriff, there isn't much to tell. He's my estranged husband and I came out here to get away from him. He found me, and he broke into my house. FP was only there protecting me. I don't know where the restraining order came from. I have one on Terry, not FP." I explained.

"Well, unfortunately, Helena, that order is through the state of California and the state of Massachusetts doesn't recognize it. You can, however, file for a new one for this state. It'll just take a few weeks to get put through, since you're married to him."

"A few weeks?? But he'll be out within a few hours! He has money, and a lot of it! And if he can't bail himself out, he knows people with money that will bail him out and he'll be right back after me again."

"Helena, the best thing I can tell you at this point is to go stay with a friend or in a hotel. There isn't much we can do as of right now. He's only getting charged with breaking and entering. He didn't steal anything, and he didn't attack you."

"A lot of help you are, sheriff. Just tell me what FP's bail is and drop the restraining order on him." I demanded.

"Helena, you can't bail him out because you technically have an order against him. I can't just drop the order, you have to file for that and go through the motions. Court stuff and fees."

"This is fucking ridiculous, sheriff! If I want him around me, then that order should be null and void! Let me talk to him, at least." I was becoming furious, now. The laws around here were the absolute stupidest that I had ever heard of in my life.

"Alright, I'll give you five minutes, but that's all I can do." He sighed and got up from his desk, leading me down the hall.

As we traveled down the cell block, there were inmates whistling at me and saying vulgar things. Sheriff told them to pipe down, but that didn't help any. When we reached FP's cell, he was across the hall from Terry. The whistles kept up and the rude comments.

"What the fuck are you doing, bringing her back here, Sheriff?!" FP said angrily.

"Calm it down, Jones! She asked to come back here. You got 5 minutes." Sheriff Keller opened the cell door, letting me inside with FP, and he closed it behind me.

"What are you doing back here, angel?" FP whispered in my ear as I embraced him.

"I couldn't leave you here. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for everything. Look at your poor lip." I said, running my thumb across the cut on his lip.

"Oh, baby, it's not that bad. He only got one hit on me and split my lip. I'm alright, I'm more worried about you." He ran his fingers down the scar on my face, but he didn't question it. It's like he already knew, and he knew not to ask questions. Terry was sitting across the hall, his eyes burning into us. I could feel his eyes on me.

"You better stop fuckin lookin at her, you god damn piece of shit!" FP yelled at Terry. FP's once gentle eyes were now full of hate and his words full of malice.

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