Chapter Nine: When the Past Comes Back to Haunt You.

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~FP's P.O.V.~ ~4 Months Later~

I woke up to banging at my door. I could only assume it was Helena because she and I had been arguing in the last couple weeks. She didn't want me to be a part of the Serpent's, and I wouldn't give them up. I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it to find someone I didn't think I would ever see again.

"What do you want, Linda?" I sighed as I stared down at my ex-wife.

"Well, I keep hearing about you coming to Toledo, yet you never show. I wanted to come and find out what is keeping you here in this shithole of a town. Most likely your precious Serpent's. As always." Linda said, condescendingly.

"Fuck you, Linda."

"Really, FP, is that how you feel? You know you've missed me." Linda said, welcoming herself into the trailer.

"I don't miss your attitude."

"No, but you sure don't mind Alice Cooper's attitude. You have always taken her shit."

"Alice and I have been done for years and you know that."

"Fine, then who are you seeing now. I know you FP, you won't stay single."

"I'm seeing a woman. Our son's teacher. So, what?" Linda got a look on her face. She was extremely jealous, although she tried not to act like it. Linda was very full of herself and wore expensive clothes and accessories. She has always been materialistic. I didn't know why I loved her before, but even now, I still loved her. It was complicated and confusing.

"Wow, a teacher? Really FP? You're still pathetic, but I love you anyways. I came back because I missed you. FP why don't you and Jughead come back with me? I want you two with me and Jellybean. Come on, you can leave this life behind."

"No, I won't leave."

"Then how about we come stay here awhile? You can bond with your daughter."

"Fine get a hotel. What happened to your doctor boyfriend, anyways?" I scoffed.

"Oh, we just aren't really meant for each other. I've always known deep down that you and I were meant to be together. Fine, we will get a hotel. We will be seeing you soon." Linda reached up and kissed my cheek, before leaving the house. I knew in my heart that this wasn't good at all. All my feelings for her came flooding back and I tried to fight it.

Linda wasn't like Alice and she wasn't like Helena. I loved these women in different ways. Alice would always be my first love and the one that got away. Linda was the woman who tried to save me and loved me for who I was and she was the mother of my children. Helena is the woman who makes me feel crazy. She made me feel insane in a way that no matter what, at all costs, I would protect her with my life. I wanted to marry this woman, but now Linda was back and she wanted us to be a family again. I didn't know what to do. I decided to call on an old friend of mine for advice.

"Hello?" I heard Fred's voice on the other end.

"Fred, I need your help." I sighed.

"What did you do this time, FP?"

"Linda came back. Can you just meet me at Pop's in fifteen minutes? I need you man."

Fred sighed, but he agreed. Fred knew what this meant for me and what Linda meant to me. We met at Pop's Diner and began to talk about the situation. Fred and I ordered food and shakes, like old times. We then began to dive into the topic of the women in my life.

"So, FP. Linda's back for now, but how long will it last this time? She's done nothing but hurt you and Jug over and over. How long before she decides that your lifestyle isn't enough for her anymore, once again? You know how much she loves money and she loves power. That's all it'll ever be. Don't ruin what you have with Helena for something that isn't stable and consistent. Linda and women like her, they come and go. Helena is a woman that will stick by your side and she's already proven that to you."

"I get what you're saying, Fred, but what about Jellybean? If I let them go back because I didn't try to work things out with Linda, Jug will never forgive me."

"FP, Jughead loves you, and I know he wants you to be happy. Jellybean is a smart girl and she will eventually work all of this out on her own."

"Fred, you've always been there for me and always had my back. You have no idea how much it means."

"I know, FP. Now, come on, let's go. We gotta get to work." Fred and I stood up and left the diner to head to the construction site. My mind was just swirling and I had to make a choice, soon...

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