Chapter Four: Sleepover Part One

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A/N: Sexually graphic chapter

Just moments ago, the kids had run up on FP and me in a moment of passion. A moment that should have never taken place. I shouldn't be getting involved with my student's parents. They were all shocked and speechless, as was I. I didn't know what to say or what to do but stare with my mouth agape. FP looked up and began laughing, of course he thought it was just hilarious. His hands under my bottom, holding me up, my legs wrapped around his waist, his hair a mess from my hands running through it. Yeah, we looked pretty bad in that moment. When FP finally stopped laughing, he set me back down on my feet. I just put my thumbs through the loop holes of my jeans and looked down. I couldn't look at those kids right now, I was too embarrassed. They had seen their teacher getting all hot and bothered with their best friend's dad. FP wasn't even phased by it.

"Alright, kids, so where's the fire?" He asked them, still chuckling.

"We just got a crazy message. We have to talk to you." Jughead said.

"Um, do you all want to take this conversation inside? I can get you something to drink." I offered.

"Yeah, that would be great after we just ran all the way here from Archie's house." Betty said.

"How'd you kids know I'd still be here anyways?" FP asked.

"Because you literally just dropped off twenty minutes ago, Dad. Besides that, I had a feeling you'd still be here." Jughead answered, trying his best to hide the grin forming on his lips. We all then went into my house. I shut off the alarm and switched on the lights. Everyone looked around in awe as if they couldn't believe a teacher could afford a house like this.

"You have a really supercool house, Mrs. H." Veronica said.

"Just call me Helena, we're not in school right now. And thank you very much." I said, walking back from the kitchen with cold bottles of water for the kids and a beer for FP. Jughead said he could have one, if it was just one.

"You're welcome, Helena. Thanks for the water."

"So, what's the urgent message? We were in the middle of something very important." FP smiled.

"Unless Helena has gold buried in her cleavage, then I don't think it was that important." Veronica said sarcastically and I almost spit out my water trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, you're a funny kid. Go on, tell me what's up."

"So, we were just hanging out at Archie's in the living room. His dad was working late, so he wasn't home. Out of nowhere, this big rock gets thrown through the window at us and almost hits Betty. Here, it had this paper with a message tied to it." Jughead hands the piece of paper to his dad. I read it over his shoulder. It reads:

Tell the snake, it would be in his best interest to stay away from HER.


"What the fuck? Who's watching? I don't like being threatened, especially when they're putting my kid in harm's way to do it." FP crumpled up the paper in his hand. He was definitely angry.

"Who are they even talking about, Dad? It can't be Helena. You've only known her for one day" Jughead said.

"That doesn't mean anything. I don't have any other women in my life and the one time I'm out with one, I get threatened? That doesn't sit well with me at all. I'm gonna find out who the fuck did this."

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