i've never read romeo and juliet can you tell

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romeo, o, romeo, where for art thou romeo? did you get my text, romeo? i'm sitting in a pool of our own blood—your bathtub, romeo. why does my gold rust? why did you slick poison over the black lines splitting your lips in three? i'm licking for cyanide, romeo, with my tongue between your teeth. i'm bent over the table, romeo. come spit the seed inside me. 

there's champagne dripping from a hole in the center of my back. i think you're drowning, romeo. tip your head, open your throat,  drink. this is cheers to me and you. cheers to us two. we sip one at the same time. sharp, metallic woman. don't drop out. i can't be your girlfriend in heaven.

one, two, three—

ive had a crush on this boy i met at an ice cream shop for two weeks :////// my mint chocolate chip "can i get you something?" snapback wearing college fund-needing ("tips are appreciated") i'll die if he's into my sister pretty boy baby. it needs to stop.

but hey! as another famous dead white man like will shakes once said, it is better to have crushed and lost than to have never crushed at all. such are the things you must accept when u choose to abandon the world of emotional detachment and click on the tab for the website of luv <333

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