the jaw breaker

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patrick sat down in a pile of bean bag chairs. he doesn't know when he got them all, but he's digging it. literally. he had a shovel and dug a bean bag hole. patrick opened up the newspaper. save the trees. he took a sip of his only-for-adults coffee when an article caught his attention. 

lady breaking jaws with her very muscular thighs. wow jerry get a load of this chick oHH NO SHE'S COMING OVER HERE JE- stay safe. 

"oh man i should probably stay inside" patrick thought to himself. his adult coffee was begging him to save the day. "no adult coffee, i can't." patrick dived into the bean bag pile when his adult coffee squeeled. patrick poked his head out and saw them. the two super muscular thighs. dang, they weren't joking when they said that. 

"give me your jaws and i will break them" the lady demanded. 

"sorry lady, maybe we can reschedule?" patrick asked, shrugging and hugging his adult coffee. 

"sure, maybe we can get some toast or something" 

"that would be wonderful, oh and here's a jar of jaw breakers that u can give people instead of breaking their jaws with your thighs. much easier. plus your thighs must be very sore after all that jaw breaking." 

"thank you patrick, see u later!!!" 

patrick stopped the jaw breaker and saved the day. patrick just never stops savin the day

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