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"Brrsghh" the zombie groaned. Pete screamed. Zombies. Everywhere. The world is ending. Pete scooted away.

"Don't do that." Pete said to the zombie. 


"I said stop. Learn some manners." Pete scolded the zombie. He was so close to punching the corpse in the face. If the damn corpse groaned one more time, Pete was gonna- 


That's it. Pete raised his fist. He was going to kick some zombie ass. 

"Don't. I got this." Patrick said from the doorway. Pete looked at him. Patrick had a blanket and hot chocolate. He walked over to the zombie and wrapped the blanket around it. The zombie smiled and turned back to human. 

"Thanks bro." 

Patrick saved the world by giving all the living-dead some jackets, blankets and hot liquids.

patrick stump saving the dayWhere stories live. Discover now