chill out

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people were screaming and stuff. whoa. what is this. patrick walked around the corner and saw like so much fire wow who let their smaug out ha haha amirightamiright??? 

patrick strutted down the street like those victoria secret models and walked right past the fire people. the fire punchers dropped their hoses. doing all that strutting made patrick lose all his clothes. he's wearing some very pretty lingerie now. dang. patrick stopped right in front of the fire and heard the cries of one of those baby things. what the heck. babies. wheres the old women at. armpits. 

patrick was like, "yo fire why don't u just chILL out already holy smokes" and then the fire cried and then put itself out with its own tears. that was emo.

the babies were carried out by the old women with big armpits and drippy noses and everything was amazing.

patrick seriously when do u not save the day ugh wtf

 A/n ty to @alonelougether on twitter 4 givin me the idea u rock 

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