patrick the dealer

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patrick walked down the back alley. he had scheduled a deal for 1 PM yesterday. his costumer went through patricks stuff quickly. seriously. the guy used all of the stuff within two days. he's got an addiction. patrick kind of feels bad for feeding his addiction too. but hey, he's making the guy happy. and a lil overweight too, but still happy. patrick looked behind him to see if anyone was following him. no one was near. great. patrick gets anxious when there're people nearby.

"over here!!!!" his costumer whisper shouted. patrick turned his head and found the guy shaking in a corner. his eyes looked sunken in and his hair was all over the place. literally. he gave himself a haircut in the back lane and didn't bother cleaning up the hair. patrick walked up to the guy. "you got the stuff??" the guy asked really quickly. dang son. slow your horses. patrick nodded and looked around for any cameras. 

there were none. 

patrick took the box out of his bag and then exchanged the box for a crinkled $5 bill.

"you need milk for that?" patrick asked. the guy nodded frantically and handed patrick some extra money. patrick gave the dude the carton of milk and they both went their seperate ways.


another successful fruit loops deal. 

patrick just keeps savin peoples days. u rock patrick. 

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