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Hey this is my first fanfic so please be patient with me they will get better. This is set after the events of Acowar. Anyway enjoy

Diana POV

I was out, I was finally out, my thick black curls where ragged and greasy due to years of neglect as they bounced around my skeletal sholders. I couldn't use my wings because of the bindings restricting  them so I had to resort to my feet which are raw with cuts and every step causes blinding pain as I ket running through the spring court. It had been centuries since I had felt the wind on my face properly, but the urgency of an escape was making it hard to take in the beauty of what was around me. I could hear the three spring court sentials on my tail, and my own ragged breathing in my fae ears. I was so out of shape but there was nothing I could do about it if they caught me I was going back, to the darkness, to the isolation. The thought of this made me run faster due to a burst of adrenaline, I had to get to the night court. I had to get home.

I had been running for what felt like weeks before I reached the border between the Spring and Summer courts. I knew it would be a bad idea to go through the Autum court , it was too likely i would be caught and trapped in the bindings of the manipulative structure of the beautiful, cutthroat court. If the High Lord where to find out I was there, wouldn't he surely just hand me over to Tamlin, I remember them having a steady but vindictive relationship. I wonder if Beron Vanserra was still high lord? Or was it Eris now? When I 'left' the night court Eris was only a baby, but from what I heard in that dungeon he had grown up and was a powerful, sadistic male.

I stared to warily making my way to the magical border separating the two courts praying the magic in it wouldn't detect me or my origin. When I was little my father would visit the summer court on business, he took me with him once so I could experience different courts and their cultures outside Velarias and the court of nightmares. But as always once we entered potential enemy terrain a mask of cruelty and boredom would slide over my father's face, it was always upsetting to my younger self. 

I wonder if Rhys was like that? I knew father killed after I was captured, my guards told me as much after he killed the high lord of spring and in turn Tamlin killed him. That meant my little brother Rhysand, was the ruthless high lord of the night court. my chest sank as I remembered that he was alone, father and mother were gone ; I knew mother died when we were captured, she  cussed at the guards to much. She was a strong Illiryan female to the end, never begging for mercy , her pride wouldn't allow it ,and when they plunged the ash dagger through her chest she just whispered to me get out.

As I got closer I could feel my hearts erratic beating out of my chest and the silent tears I hadn't known I was shedding slide down my hollow angular face.  I could see the tinder of the forest floor, anticipating  the moment I crossed the barrier into the exposure of the unprotected forest. All I had to do was make my way through summer and find shelter to sleep. My magic should be back by morning. With that thought  I brought  life back into my drained muscles and crossed the border.  

I can feel the  sun's rays start to tan my pale unprotected skin within minutes and I feel the humidity and heat of eternal summer start to weigh in on my fatigued state within seconds. I looked towards the fading sun and knew it would be dangerous to continue my journey in the dark especially in these woods.

I went to start walking when I felt a presence behind me then the sound of a sword being drawn. The next thing I knew I was being tackled to the ground, too tired and weak to fight back. With the feel of a cold cruel unforgiving blade against my throat. shit

So that was my first fanfic they will get better I promise so please stick with me , any way I hoped you liked it!

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