Who is she?

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part 6

Dianna's POV

I walked into the lavish room with Cressida at my side, the maids opened the door and I saw him. My baby brother standing next to another fae woman, who seemed to be heavily pregnant. Who was she? But at that moment I didn't care because then I heard Rhysand Say my name "Dianna". There was so much raw emotion in that one word it took all I had to stop from breaking down into tears.

"Rhys "was all I could say before we collided into each others arms and fell to the floor a mess of sobs and limbs. At some point his powers hold started to loosen because trails of night started to pool around us. He repositioned himself and took my face in his hands, his deep violet eyes poured into mine and I could see the love and fear in them for me.

"Dianna" was all he could say as the tears poured down him cheeks, for every one I wiped away there was new one. "your real? This isn't some dream"

"I'm real Rhysy (pronounced Reese-ee)" I saw sobbing happy tears with the over whelming emotion.

After some time of just weeping and hugging we stood and I noticed Cressida and Tarqin had left but the fae woman was still standing there, her hands laying protectively on her stomach and tears flowing down her face. Her blue –grey eyes were fixed on me as we stood and Rhysand pulled me over to her.

"Feyre this is my sister Dianna. Dianna this is my mate Feyre and the high lady of the night court." Once he said that it was obvious and I could have sent the bond between them and the power radiation from this female. I looked down at her stomach and found that my brother had subconsciously placed his hand on her bump. "that's why Tarqin said the princess hasn't arrived" I mumbled and Feyre laughed, it sounded like wind chimes or shattered glass.

Feyre looks me in the eye "Rhysand told me about you and your mother, I'm so glad I could meet you, "she looks down, and lays her hand on top of her mates "and I'm glad they will meet you too." At that I start to cry again and Rhysand embraces me, I felt like I was finally f loved again.

After an hour of crying getting to know Feyre I could see how much they loved each other and how perfect they were together. And I found that I really liked Feyre and I wouldn't want my baby brother with anyone else.

"We better go back home there are others you will want to meet "Rhysand says putting his arm around my shoulders careful of my wings.

"like who? "I say genuinely curious about who was in our court. Rhysand winks at me then says "you'll have to find out. I laugh and hold his hand whirl he wraps his arm round Feyre's waist and we winnow back to Velarias back to my home.

Mor's POV

I'm sprawled out on the couch when they winnow in I saw Feyre and Rhysand back first

"hey guys what did Tarqin want-" then I saw another pair of familiar wings and stopped dead in my tracks. "Dianna" I said as she turned to face me. I looked to Rhysand, with anger so strong it threatened to boil over "you told me she died "I said through gritted teeth, tears threatening to spill over, how could he have kept her from me. Then I felt her arm on my arm and I whipped my head round, and they fell, she put her hand to my face to wipe them away.

I looked into her beautiful eyes as she spoke, "Hey, don't be mad it's not his fault. "her voice was soothing as ever but in the state she was in I'm surprised she can even speak or stand. Her body looked like skin had just been stretched over bones, not to mention the scars of various intensities littering her body and wings.

"What happened to you" I said quietly, but I knew Rhys and Feyre heard it. Her smile was sad but she looked at me it looked like she was about to speak before Rhys interjected,

"Dianna we want to know what happened but there are other people how would love to see you."

Dianna's POV

Just as Rhys stopped speaking Cassian and Az walked in, Lucian had his arm around a young female as did Cassian both had Feyre's hair colour and the one with Cassian had the same eyes. Cassian was striding into the room when he said "what do you want Rhys –"and just as Mor did stopped dead, followed by Az. The two females looked at them perplexed and then to Feyre.

"Dianna" Az said, his deep voice echoed through the room. I saw Cassian's hand instinctively more to his heart as he dropped in a bow, Az following. Then I noticed Lucian and my growl radiated through the room. Immediately the female next to him jumped to protect, and I could smell the mating bond but I didn't care. I hated that fox, and everything he stood for, the spring court.

I look at my brother and ask "Why the fuck is he here." I felt Mors soothing hand on my shoulder trying to stop me from doing something stupid.

"who is she Feyre" the female in front of Lucian spat out, her eyes never leaving me. I could see Lucian behind her looking as if he had seen a ghost.

"who am I?" I seethe there is night radiating around me as some of my reenergising power sips my grasp. "who are you and why are you protecting that son of a bitch." If looks could kill, we would both have died seconds ago. I realised the only reason she hadn't tried to kill me was because that scums hand was on her arm.

"Who the hell is this, Feyre?!" she roars

Everyone was looking at me the two females I didn't know where still trying to understand who I was so I donned the mask every night court royal does when talking to outsiders. I cooled my features from rage to passive smugness and I could hear Mor gulp at the transformation, mother she knows me well, as a killing calm settled over me. I look to the female then her mate then to my brother. "I am Dianna, princess of the night court and Rhysand sister, the question should be who the hell are you." She looks taken a back from what I said. And then looks to Rhysand for confirmation. He nods then she looks at me about to speak before the other female I don't know does.

"I am Nesta and she "Nesta says pointing behind her from where she has positioned herself in front of the girl, "is Elain. We are Feyre's sisters, and last I heard you were dead. Care to explain." She says her head cocked and a self-satisfied look falls upon her face. She thinks she has won.

I smirk and look her dead in the eyes. "why don't you ask him" I say shifting my gaze to Lucian and everyone else follows. This time I just speak to him, "will you tell them of should I?"

Dianna's home! Did you enjoy that chapter? If you did like and comment!! I love reading them.

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