Chapter 1

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Beautiful cover made by justawekwardwizard  ❤️

Stephen Philip loved to hate people. He loved being able to not have to care about them, or worry whether or not someone liked him. He knew they didn't, because Stephen was an asshole.

And Stephen particularly loved to hate Rain.

Not like the precipitation -Stephen hated that too because it made his socks wet and that isn't a nice feeling- but the person, Rain Richardson.

Whenever Stephen was near Rain Richardson, he felt the same way he felt when his socks were wet: angry and frustrated.

Rain made him feel weird. He got so angry that his heart his beat really fast, and his ears would turn red. Annoying, right?

So much that Stephen's friend had started to notice.

Notice I say friend. Singular. But you can't have many friends when people make your socks feel wet.

So Stephen sat with Hugo at a table in the library to study for a history test, because Hugo made Stephen's socks feel normal.

"Are you sure you didn't have a bad experience with him?" Hugo asked.

Stephen shook his head. "No,  I would remember."

"Like he didn't steal a girlfriend from you? Or he didn't prove you wrong in front of people? He didn't look at you the wrong way one day walking through the hallway?" Hugo questioned. These reasons were oddly specific, but only because they had been reasons for the onset of Stephen's hatred to three people in the past.

"No Hugo. I've never talked to him. He just makes me want to tear my own head off." Stephen groaned.

"Oh no, don't do that." Hugo said carelessly while flipping the page to his history textbook and reading intently.

"Can't help it man, there's just something about him."

"This sounds like the beginning of a beautiful love story," Hugo said, "and I would love to do whatever you need me to in order to get it going." He said, not even looking up from his book page.

"You are this close to getting pounded behind the school." Stephen threatened with clenched fists.

"I knew you were gay." Hugo whispered into his textbook.

"I really fucking hate you. I meant my fist on you face, dickwad."

"See? Even now, you're talking about dicks."

"This close, Hugo." Stephen reminded.

"But seriously, maybe you're attracted to him and your brain doesn't like it so it's making you hate him." Hugo offered. "Just a suggestion."

"Well, since we're taking suggestions I suggest you stop suggesting things before I throw you in front of a moving car." Stephen said with a smile.

"Fine. So what are you gonna do, punch him?" Hugo flipped to the next page.

"Dunno," he shrugged. "Maybe. I could burn off some steam. Not a bad suggestion, Hugo."

"Seriously? He hasn't done anything wrong, other than make you fall in love him."

"Not in love with him. He's annoying. That's reason enough."

"Fine. Are we gonna study for the history test or talk about beating your boyfriend up?"

"But, you see, both are so appealing." Stephen said in a sweet voice.

"Okay, I can kiss studying goodbye. Do you need a ride home? I'm gonna head out." Hugo offered.

"Nah." Stephen sighed. "I'm good. I'll walk."

"Okay," Hugo said. "I'll see you later then." With that, he picked up his backpack and walked off.

So Stephen sat alone at a table in the library, trying to take his mind off of the infuriating, short-haired, average boy that bugged him so much.


Coffee. Stephen needed coffee. Stephen was very independent, but he did rely heavily on caffeine to get through his day without falling asleep in his tracks.

So Stephen walked into Starbucks with expectations of coffee, a donut, and his usual barista, Aaron. What he was met with was definitely not that.

Stephen got in line patiently. This was not normal for Stephen. Usually he would be tapping his foot, whining and pouting about the wait. But not today. Today seemed to be a really good day for Stephen. At least, it did.

Once it was Stephen's turn to order his coffee and donut from Aaron, he was met with a horrible thing. It was a new barista. A new barista named Satan. Well, fine. You got me. Satan wasn't Stephen's new barista. It was Rain. But Stephen saw no difference.

So Rain was working at Stephen's Starbucks. Where he came everyday. So he would have to see Rain, the human that frustrated him in so many different ways, whenever he wanted coffee. That was often.

"What can I get for you today?" Rain asked mockingly. Well, at least that's how it came off to Stephen. Maybe he didn't really say it like that.

Stephen's heartbeat sped up and he suddenly didn't feel so happy anymore.

"Medium iced coffee, cream no sugar, and a donut." Stephen muttered under his breath.

"Didn't catch that, sorry. Could you repeat that please?"

Stephen took a deep breath.

"Medium. Iced coffee. Cream. No sugar. And a donut." He said, over-pronouncing every word.

"Alright... will that be all for today?" He asked. It was as if he was trying to get on Stephen's nerves. If Stephen wanted more, he would have just asked for it. Duh.

"Yes, that will be all." Stephen mumbled.

"$9.75 please."

Stephen angrily dug a ten dollar bill out of his wallet and handed it to Rain.

"Have a nice day." Rain said under his breath.

"Uh huh." Stephen said, glaring at the annoying barista as he walked to a table.

"Oh! Sorry, uh... could I get a name please?" Rain asked.

"Uh, Stephen." He muttered as he sat at a table and pulled out his phone. How had Rain not known Stephen's name? He found himself more upset than he was comfortable with.

After several moments of waiting for his stuff, Stephen finally saw it being placed on the counter.

"Medium iced coffee, cream no sugar, and donut for Stephen." Announced another barista.

Stephen being Stephen, he walked up to the counter, grabbed his coffee, and walked back up to the cash registers.

He then spilled his coffee over Rain's head and walked out the door.

Stephen tented to be as aggressive, or passive aggressive, as possible. Rain annoyed him and made him feel weird, so it only serves him right that he's covered in coffee, right?

He could only pray that Aaron would be back tomorrow. Until then, maybe he'd have to go to Dunkin' Donuts instead.

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