Chapter 3

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The ride to Rain's house was silent. It was quiet, it was awkward, but Stephen didn't mind at all.

"Stop at McDonald's." Stephen commanded.

"No." Rain said emotionlessly.

"I'm hungry. Stop at McDonald's." Stephen ordered again.

"I'm not your slave."

"Stop at McDonald's, before I pound your face in." Stephen said through gritted teeth.

"You could die from eating that stuff." Rain said. He paused for a moment, but then pulled into the parking lot. "Eat up, fucker."


As Stephen walked through the door, he was surprised to be met with a familiar face at the cashier.

"Aaron what the hell are you doing here?" Stephen asked in shock.

"Got fired from Starbucks." He said with a grin.

"Why?" Asked Stephen.

"I put up a sign that said the drive-through was closed because I didn't want to have to repeat the deals we had going on every single time someone drove up," Aaron said with a shrug. "but whatever. The guy who replaced me is pretty cool. He's cute too."

"Bleh. He is most definitely not cute." Stephen disagreed with a look of disgust on his face.

"Oh, you've seen Rain? He's funny too. Yesterday he told me someone jerk poured coffee on him, first day on the job." Aaron said with a laugh.

"Hilarious." Stephen agreed, angry with Rain. Well, more angry than usual.

"He said it was fine though cause the guy who did it was a total smoke." Aaron laughed again.

Stephen's ears turned bright red.

"Are you okay man? You just got really red." Aaron asked, concerned.

"Yeah, just hot. Can I have a McChicken sandwich, a medium fry, and a fountain soda to go?" Stephen asked, dying to get out of the store.

"Yeah, sure. That's $7.50."

Stephen nodded his head and sat down at a booth, confused.

Maybe Aaron just mixed it up. Maybe there was another barista who got coffee poured on him, his first day on the job. Named Rain.

"Stephen, here you go man. See ya later." Aaron called from behind the counter.

"See ya." Stephen said as he grabbed his food and stalked out of the restaurant.


"Mom, I'm home!" Rain called as they walked through the door.

"Hello Rain." A woman said as she walked out of the living room to greet the two. She was short and pretty thin, with good looks and long blonde hair.

"Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" She asked expectantly.

Rain looked around curiously. "Do you see any of my friends here? Where?"

Stephen rolled his eyes to the ceiling.

"Rain, who is the boy next to you?

"Oh, him? Stephen." He said bluntly.

She waited for him to elaborate, but realizing he wasn't going to, introduced herself.

"My name is Andrea," She said with a smile.

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