Chapter 4

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Okay, so it wasn't like Stephen walked into school thinking, 'today, I'm gonna steal a baby', but he didn't think, 'no stealing babies today' either.

And if Ethan and Maren hadn't hated each other so much, then maybe they'd still have theirs.

It was just lying there. If they really cared, they would've been on the lookout for people like Stephen, who's babies had been drowned in lemonade and possessed by demons on crack.

They were both just so distracted and Stephen was so desperate, that it just kinda happened.

The two were fighting, as usual, when Stephen struck.

Their backpacks were beside them on the ground in math class, the doll sticking out of the top of Maren's bag.

"My Chemical Romance does not suck! Their music is amazing and you can tell they put hard work into it! Into every album, song, ever-" Maren was rambling enthusiastically.

"Let me stop you there. They're just an emo band, that's it. They make my ears bleed. Or should I say, made?"Ethan droned.

"Too soon!" Maren cried and laid her head on the table in front of her.

"What kind of music do you like? I bet it's like, Drake or DJ.... what is it? DJ Kale? I don't know. Either way, that's not real music."

Ethan went quiet.

"Actually it's 'Khaled'." He said.

"That's what I thought. Drake may be more famous, but that hardly means he's more talented!" She cried.

"Actually I think it does." He mumbled.

The peak of the argument. The perfect moment for Stephen to strike.

He leaned forward in his chair and slowly snuck his arm to the top of Maren's bag. He grabbed the baby's arm and snatched it away quickly.


He quickly stuffed the doll into his backpack and picked his pencil back up.

He wouldn't lose that easily. He told Rain, and now he could prove himself to the loser.

"So his name will be Gerard!" Maren declared.

"He does not look like a Gerard. What kind of name is Gerard?"

"Yes! Just look at his face. Here, I'll show y...Where did you put Gerard?" Maren asked as she searched all the sections of her backpack.

"I don't have him. You were supposed to have him!"

Stephen pushed his bag farther under his desk.

"Well he's gone! I remember giving him to you before class."

"Well clearly you didn't. Good going Maren."

The bell rang, and Stephen bolted out the door faster than a college student hearing the words 'free pizza'.


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