Chapter 6

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"Wake up." Rain said, poking Stephen in the side.

"What?" Stephen asked, still half asleep.

"I have work. I've been up for an hour so I'm ready to go. And you have a date." He took a breath. "Coffee with Maren. Remember?"

Stephen groaned and pulled his pillow over his head. "I don't wanna go. I don't even like her. I just wanted to make you mad." He complained.

"Stop it Stephen." Rain muttered.

"Stop what?" He groaned.

"You can't say that. You're going, because you asked her out. Now get up and get dressed." Rain said angrily.

"You know I don't like her Rain." He groaned again.

"Then tell her. Don't lead people on if you don't actually like them. You can't just make someone think you like them and then decide you don't, Stephen." He said angrily.

"Are we still talking about Maren?"

"Of course. Who else would be talking about?" He asked before walking toward the door. "I'll be waiting in the car. You have twenty minutes."

"Do you actually want me to go?" Stephen cried. "Or are you just going to pretend that nothing happened?"

"I want you to go because it doesn't matter that anything happened. It happened with Ethan, it'll happen with you too. You're not comfortable enough to be seen with me. You don't want be seen with me. You don't even really want me! Tell me, Stephen, would you ever kiss me like that in public?"

Stephen stayed silent. Not because he didn't want to kiss Rain in public -he wanted to kiss Rain everywhere- but because he was scared. Scared that Rain didn't like him or want him anymore. Did the kiss mean nothing to him?

"I'll be in the car." Rain said, before slamming the door.


Stephen spotted Maren as soon as he walked in.

"Hey Stephen!" She chirped.

"Hi." He said, walking over and taking a seat.

"Aren't you going to order anything?" She asked.

"I don't think that's necessary. Listen, Maren, I don't know how to say this. But, uh, I only asked you out to make someone else jealous." He said. Then he waited.

"What?" She asked, sounding confused.

"If I tell you this, you can't tell anyone. Got it?"

Maren nodded.

"So I guess I kinda like Rain. I guess. And I thought he liked you, but he doesn't, and I asked you out to make him jealous." He admitted.

Stephen had expected to get slapped. Or punched. Or yelled at.

Instead he got a hug.

"That is so cute!"

"You're not mad?" He asked cautiously.

"Nah. I've kind of come to terms with the fact you didn't like me recently, so I'm fine. Can I do anything to help you?" She asked.

"Pour your coffee on me." He ordered.

"What?" She asked with a laugh.

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