Chapter 2

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"So I know it's kind of cliche, but we are going to be doing a group project. You will be assigned a partner and a doll, and take care of it blah blah blah. I'll further explain what to do later. For now, I'll be assigning your partners on who I think you will most definitely not get along with because, who knows, maybe it'll be entertaining. Maybe you don't have an enemy in the class and you'll be able to tolerate you partner just fine. But then again, most likely not." Stephen's health teacher, Mr. McClain announced to the class. There was a series of groans, but also a few laughs. Mr. McClain was a very young teacher. He must have been straight out of college. And it was just like him to assign partners based on comparability. Or rather, lack of.

"So, it's not gonna be girl-boy in every pairing. There could be two fathers, two mothers, or a father and a mother. Who cares, right? No one is to be made fun of for their partner."

Stephen's ears perked up. There was no way he was gonna be paired up with another boy. In fact, Stephen would rather not be paired up with anyone at all. Fact was, no matter who Stephen was paired with, he would hate this project. God forbid he be paired with anyone that could speak.

"So I can tell that Derek, you and Talia totally hate each other. You're a pair now, congratulations to the happy couple!" Derek and Talia both groaned and protested, but Mr. McClain wasn't having it.

"Suck it up, you two. It's not as bad as Tucker and Angelo."

The two boys glared at each other across the room, both angry about the pairing but knowing they had no say in the situation.

"Martin and Wallace, Lance and Keith (A/N: because I'm Voltron trash, DM me if you are too) Amelia and Carolina, Maren and Ethan, Andrea and Liam, Stephen and Rain, and Eva and Meghan. Get with your partner. One person from each group come up and get a baby. Remember: this project is what you make it. You can make it tolerable, maybe even fun, or you can spend the whole time being hateful and miserable. Keep the babies for a week." Mr. McClain announced.

Some kids in the room looked distressed, but some looked fine, as if they got along fine with their assigned partner.

Stephen's blood ran cold. He was doing a project with Rain. There was no way. He would rather die than do this.

"Excuse me, Mr. McClain, I need a new partner." Stephen objected.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you dislike Rain?" Mr. McClain asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"Yeah." Stephen grunted.

"Too bad. That's the point. Learn to get along or fail."

So Stephen faced Rain and Rain faced Stephen.

"Get the baby." Stephen muttered.

"No." Rain said carelessly.

"Get the baby idiot, before I punch your face in." He said rudely.

Rain squinted his eyes and pointed a finger at Stephen. "Lets get one thing straight. You think you have control over me? You're wrong. I'm my own person and you can't tell me what to do. Got it?"

"No, I don't. You're gonna do what I say. Got it?" Stephen challenged.

"I knew you were gonna be like this. Someone doesn't even have to meet you to know that you're a douchebag. They just have to have coffee poured on their head."

"Alright you too." Mr. McClain said. "I'll start you off." He tossed a baby in their direction and Stephen caught it.

"He's ugly. He must've gotten your looks." Stephen mumbled under his breath when Rain handed it to him. Stephen did not mean that, actually. Rain was attractive, and Stephen knew it. It was very, very, obvious to Stephen that Rain was attractive.

"Let's just hope she didn't get your attitude." Rain grunted while picking at a nail.

"He's a boy. Got it? Stephen said

Rain rolled his eyes. "It's got a vag, dipshit."

"Well I don't think they're about to put a dick on a kids toy, are they?" Said Stephen.

"It's a girl." Rain insisted.

"It's a boy!" Stephen roared.

"Maybe you wouldn't know. Doubt you've seen a vagina anyway."

"Listen up class, all babies are now agender! Pick a gender-fluid name. Great. Continue." Mr. McClain shouted.

"Fine. How about 'Dumbfuck'? We can name it after you. You're welcome." Said Stephen as he stared into the lifeless eyes of the doll.

"It's named after both of us. You're the dumb part, I'm the fuck part." Rain said, sending a wink to the girl next to them. She put her hand over her mouth while blushing a turned around quickly.

Stephen understood why she blushed. Rain was a 5'5 kid with blue eyes and wavy ear-length blonde hair. He had a nice tan, and toned arms. He was very attractive. But, as Stephen was finding out, he was even more annoying than he originally thought, and meaner too.

"Listen up. If your baby comes back with scratches, dents, or if it doesn't come back at all, then you'll lose points. It has batteries, cause it's a kids toy, so don't get it wet. The dolls are off so they shouldn't laugh or cry because that would be annoying as hell and probably very scary. Whoever's baby comes back in the best condition will win 10 extra bonus points on the final. It's not a grade." Mr. McClain announced to everyone. "Tonight's homework is to hang out with your partner and take care of the baby together. You will have to do this every other day for the next week."

Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Isn't it bad enough we have to be around each other in class?" Stephen questioned.

"No, it's not." Mr. McClain shot him down. "Class is dismissed. Good luck guys. Have fun!" He shouted mockingly.

Stephen stood up abruptly and grabbed Dumbfuck, throwing it to Rain.

"You can take care of it." Stephen grunted as he turned to the door.

"No way." Rain threw the doll right at Stephen's head. "I'm not doing it."

"I'm not hanging out with you after school. Not a chance." Stephen moaned.

"Yes you are." Mr. McClain said, popping up next to the two boys.

"Ah, shit." Stephen complained.

"Can you both meet at Rain's house later? Rain, wouldn't you love to give Stephen a ride? Unless Stephen, you can't leave your car here overnight."

"Hugo drove me." Stephen said, hanging his head.

"Perfect! It's a date then."

"No it's not." Rain groaned.

"Have a nice day boys!" Mr. McClain cheered as they sulked out of the classroom.

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