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"y-you're lying," i managed to say before looking at her. she stared at me, with dead emotion in her eyes. i stepped back while looking at her.

"jimin, i only look at you us a friend.. who i care a lot about," she said softly. i shook my head as the tears fell down my cheeks. "i couldn't love you like that because i am not real. you need to accept that."

"no, this is real. we're both here right now, you and i," i said. "jimin, please, i'm not real. you need to wake up now!"

"but this has to be real. and i don't need to wake up," i argued back with her.

"jimin, you're still asleep from the sleeping pills you took. you to wake up. you can't fall pass the darkness. if you don't wake up now, you'll die," she said looking at me.

my heart started to beat rapidly and the shortness of breaths came. i slightly held at my chest feeling uncomfortable. "but what about you?! i just confessed that i like you, and now, i have to wake up?!"

"i-i told you, i'm not real jimin! i was made up by you. i'm sorry it has to be this way, but once you wake, you will never be able to see me again," she said sternly this time, her voice unquavering.

"n-no. no! t-then i'll take more sleeping pills just to see you again. this can't be the last time," i said throwing the words out there. this couldn't be the last time. it can't be.

"if you take them again, you will die. either way jimin, you won't be able to see me again. save your mother from grief. don't take the sleeping pills just to try and see me. it won't work. just listen to me!"

my eye sight suddenly blurred a bit as i suddenly felt the loss of control of my body. i swayed slightly to the side as i held onto the railings.

"jimin? jimin!" i heard jaeeun yell as i suddenly found myself on the ground in her arms. "jimin, the darkness is taking you. you have to try. you have to try and wake up, PLEASE!" i hear the desparation in her voice. i looked up at her, feeling my throat and lips dry from the lack of salivation.

"i don't want to leave now... i can't," i suddenly start to say as i stared at her crying softly. and i couldn't but see jaeeun crying as well. i felt her fingers run through my hair as we stayed there with my head on her lap as we cried. "i can't leave you," my voice hoarsely spoke. jaeeun choked back a sob as she closed her eyes slightly.

"you have to promise me you won't take those pills. promise me??"

we stared into each other's eyes intensely before i spoke up. "i promise."

"you have to wake up now. wake up, jimin. wake up!"

"wake up!!"

 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚜 | 𝚙.𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang