Chapter 16

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Chresanto P.O.V

*2 years later*

I moved on with my life. Went solo with my own rapping career and decided to make things work with Marissa. I wasn't 100% happy but life's not always fair, i did it for my daughter who's about 2 years old now, her name is Creah. Of course Marissa came up with a name like that for her, something i didn't too much care for, but oh well.

i never heard from Carmen they day after she sped off away from me at Bre's . Which also means i haven't seen Chrissy in 2 years, i bet my baby is so big now. I missed her so much. But i knew there was no way i could reach them, Bre moved to cali, far from Jacob so i felt like she wanted nothing to do with me either.

"Hey babe" Marissa said kissing me on the nose as she turned on my direction on the bed.

"Good morning baby" i got up and headed in for my shower.

"Soooo my cousin Terran is having a cook out and i wanted you to be there, she's never meet you" marissa yelled from the bed room.

"Fine by me babe, what time is it?"

"Around 2:30, and Jake will be there with Kandi."

"Kandi? i thought he stopped messing around with her" i said sticking my head out the shower.

"No .. i think they'll get married" She said sounding as if she was beaming with excitement, but i wasn't too pleased knowing Kandi is the girl that fucked up Jacob and Bre's relationship in the past.

"why the fuck would he marry her?" i scoffed coming out of the shower will a towel wrapped around my waist.

"Ahh c'mon Chres, are you still on that Breianna Lee shit .. what they had is over, my home girl is running his ass now" she said smirking.

"Yeah that's because he cheated with her slutty ass" i said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah just like you ." she said continuing with that stupid smirk.

"Shut the fuck up, yeah i messed up, but stop throwing it in my face."

"I'm sorry babe .. i shouldn't do that to you." she said coming towards me.

"It's fine .. I'm going to make breakfast." i said swiftly heading through the door after pecking her lips.

Carmen P.O.V

C'mon Cris .. mommy's gotta drop you off at nana's ." i said picking up my baby girl and swinging her over my shoulder.

Yes .. i am single sally now. I'm not really looking forward to mingling ever, even though my friend Terran wont stop bugging me about dating. I met her a year back when i got my new job for a clothing company. She's always there for me when i need her, and it didn't have much friends after Bre decided to move to Cali, but she's coming down today to spend some time with me. After all that is my girl !

"oooh baby you getting big! imma have to buy you a new seat soon." i strapped Criss in her car seat while kissing her on the forehead.

I was headed over to Terran's for one of her famous cook-outs. She has them every year and but this would be my 1st time going.

"Hey Boo !" i said answering my phone as Terran's face flashed the screen.

"heyy girl, you coming ? cus i was really looking forward to my peeps meeting my bestfriend," she said beaming with joy.

"Yeah girl .. im on my way with Crissy now."

"Alright see ya then boo."

"okay bye," and with that i hung up.

Chresanto P.O.V

"yeah man .. i'm gonna propose at the cook out, all her fam will be there, it's the perfect time." i said to Jacob over the phone.

"Are you sure you're ready though? Don't do anything you'll regret Roc.

"I'm sure .. I love this girl ." i said sounding more as if I was trying to convince myself. I'm ready to take the next step in life.

Welpppp Chres is taking that step?

anddd what do ya'll think is gonna happen with Carmen?

Is it getting good? or nahh?

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