A smell That I cant tell.

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I smashed my alarm clock with my fist and got up. I took a quick shower and got dressed, the day has come last day before spring break. I wore a grey V shirt with black skinny jeans and straightened my hair. I heard a honk and ran down stairs.

"Whoa wait a second",yelled my brother.


He looked at me then kissed my cheek,


I smiled and ran toward my best friends car, his name is Joe. He is gay but he is my best friend,

"Hurry up girl", he yelled.

"Yeah we ant got all day", yelled Becky.

Becky is my other friend. I got in the car and checked my hair in the mirror,

"Girl you look great and by the way are you coming to the spring party"?

"Yeah if this boy will let me go", I laughed.

"Your brother is way to over protective your a wolf".

"Yeah but its against for me to fight a human".

I told my friends my secret because I trust them, I go to a human school for a reason im not ready to share with them. Once we got to school it was crazy, people were like on crack all running around.



Well the bell rang so like always to 1st Period class is science. But something was diffrent..a smell,

Whats that smell Star?, I asked my wolf

I-I cant tell I don't know if its human or wolf?

It got closer until the door opened and a tall musulare dude came in. His eyes went right to me locked, He had jet black hair, hazel eyes, and muscle. With another dude,

"Well hello Luke and Sage class this are new student Luke and Sage".

"great Time Luke and Sage come the day before spring break", said Joe

Sage just kept staring at me while Luke sat down and it took time for Joe to notice. Finally he took a seat but just right in front of me. I tried to pay attention but my eyes just went to his head.

"Alright class grab your partners and work", said the teacher.

Just when Sage was gonna turn Joe got my by the arm and pulled me toward him and I swear I heard a growl. I look's at Joe confused,

"Hey I saw him looking at you ", he smirk.

I rolled my eyes.


Party Time!

I went home and started getting ready, I put on a nice white and black dress that went to my knees with a bow in the middle. I put mascara and some lip stick along with straighten my hair.


I ran near the door but was stopped by my brother,

"where you think your going"?

"Party. I told you already",I said grabbing the door handle.

I tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. Me and my brother are both demon wolfs and can do stuff. I growled,

"No  worry my friends will take care of me".


Thats it! I brought my right foot up and slammed it into the door. The door broke down, I waved good-bye to my brother and ran toward the car.

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