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Skylar P.O.V Two Weeks Later.

I sat next to her bed thinking why is it taking her so long to heal. She has to be okay. I've stayed up all day waiting for her to wake up but all the nurses says she's trying to fight it off or she's in a deep coma. I held her hand as tears streamed down my eyes. I heard the nurses talking near the door,

"She's suffering we have to let her go".

"No. This is are Luna how would you like it if your mate was in this situation".

"Look will give her a day and that's all".

I growled and opened the door but they were already gone. Everyone went home but Asher and Oscar was also the same situation as Faith. Why him he wasen't shot? I thought of everything possible and it hit me right in the head.

-They are Dragon wolf spirits and they're the only in the world so if they ones hurt the other has the same effect-

-wow you grew smart-, said my Wolf

-That's not the time-.

-Sorry..trying to lighten the mood-

I watched as the sun goes down once again.

"Alpha you gotta eat its not healthy to stay like that or at least sleep she will be fine", said a pack nurse.

"Yeah that's not what friend said", I growled.

She stood quiet and quickly walked away. Asher stays outside the room and seems to thinking to hard like he's brain will explode. My wolf feels that his wolf is hurt and sad. 






I fell asleep as the sun went down but I stayed half awake. 

"Who turned of the lights", a male voice mumbled.

"It's night", I yawned. BING! "Wait who said that"?

"Um, Oscar".

I quickly turned on the lights and ran and hugged him. 

"Your alive".

"I am", he smiled. He notice Faith and ran towards her.

"She hasen't woken up", I suddenly remembered.

He stood there for a long time before sitting back on the bed.

"She's fighting it. She weak".

"Is there something we can do".

"No. Its her wolfs job".

I nodded and suddenly my eyes started to close and I fell asleep.

Shelby's P.O.V

Numb. Pitch black. I saw a figure far away laying down.

"Hello", I called out.

It didn't move. I walked towards it then gasp it was Star. I ran to her and kneeled down,

"Star wake up please".

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. The silver bullet.

"It had something in it", mumbled star

"How can i wake up".

"You can't".

That answer sent my blood cold. 

"What you mean I can't I can wake up! I cant die what about Skylar", I cried.

"En less we can fight off the poison we cant do poo".

"How do we fight it".

"Don't know".

I suddenly broke down crying. Crying loud. I don't wanna die. I'll miss Skylar I..I never told him I love him. Tears rolled down my eyes suddenly Star's paws grew green. She got up,

"Keep thinking what your thinking", She smiled

I thought hard. I wish to be with him to love him! I wanna be with him! I want to start a family. I wanna be with my mate and maybe even get married.

Her whole body turned green suddenly I woke up. I looked around pitch black and some one snoring. I tried to move my body hurt.

"H-Hello", I stuttered.

No answer.

"Skylar", I said louder.

"What's up Oscar", yawned a voice.

"Skylar.. I-is that you".

There was a moment of silence when the lights flicked on and Skylar stared right at me. He looked tired, his eyes grew dark.

"Faith", He yelled.

Suddenly the door slammed open and I saw Asher and Oscar woke up. They squeezed me,

"Ow im still hurt you know', I groaned.

They sat around me tears filling your eyes.

"How did this happen", said Skylar.

"It's a little secret", I smiled and mentally winking at Star.

The nurses walked in then quickly started giving me medicine and jabbing needles into my hands and finally I can move. I hugged Skylar and was ready to say something I've should of said a long time ago.

"Skylar", I said messing with my hair

"Yes", he smiled.

"I need to tell you something", I said now rocking on my feet.

"What's that"?

Every ones head turn. I hugged him,

"I did that for you because I-I love you", I said hugging him tighter.

I felt his heart beat race.

"I love you to Faith", he said pecking my lips.

I smiled as tears found there way to my eyes.

"Hey were our love", said Oscar next to Asher.

I hugged them both but Asher swooped me up and spinning hugging me.

"I love you to sister", he said in a girly way

"Weird people now and days", I mumbled.

"And your one of them", smiled Oscar.

"Come on lets go celebrate", cheered Skylar.

2 updates in one day I'm pooped ....The Story is almost done one more chapter to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dx NOOOO lol well don't forget to:

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