The truth shall let you butt

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"Who's last", Sage repeated more angrly.

I gave my brother one of the Im gonna kill you looks. I sighed and shiverd of the past. I walked into are pack house and sat I notice my brother go to the hall way the same place he was. I looked at Sage,

"The last was m-my boyfriend", I studderd.

He growled.

"But he passed away", I said looking down.

"We broke up and the next say he was dead", I lied.

He grabbed me pu lling me for a hug. I barred my face to his chest. He rubbed my back but I didnt know how to tell him the rest. Just when I was gonna say the secret the phone rang. My brother went to awnser it,

"Hello......Yeah he's here".

He gave it to Sage,

"Hello?.....Fine ill be on my way".

He hung up and looked at me,

"I gotta go someone trasspassing are area".

I nodded. He left and I walked up stairs walking to my room locking it behind me. I looked up at the celing,

~How do I tell him my power Demon~

She Sighed not knowing what to say,

~Dont let him find out because I just feel now isnt right~

I focused back and sighed, I saw a full moon and I starred right at it just when I heard a crack. I notice a wolf then with a gray wolf. I starred at them as they walked toward are house. They Shifted and I notice it was Sage. I notice three other guys with him,

~No why they here~ I panicked. 

I Jumped out the window landing on the roof. I decided to drive them away, I climb down and Shifted. I tried so hard to keep my wings from spreading. I notice a pile of leave and stepped on them causing 4 heads to turn.

"Who's That? Is that Faith", said the one to the right.

"I cant tell".

I gave a wolf smile and ran towards the forest threw places I never been at with them right behind me. I ran and I saw the wolf pack house where sage was,

"Luna", said a wolf.

"Hide me"!

I ran inside into a room and shifted putting clothes onand hiding under the bed.  I saw two feet come in,

"Oh Faith where Are you", Sage said.

As he left I got out and tried to sneak out when Sage grabbed me.

"Ah let me go"!


He set me on the bed pinning me down. I growled causing him to smile,

"Why you run"?

"Why were you at my house".

"To see what eles you wanted to say".


We walked toward the living room where some of the guards where at. I saw Luke and Liam.

"Whats going on ?

"Party night? You should come", said Luke.

"I have work though", said Sage.

"Will take care of her", said Liam.

"You better", he mumbled.

I put on cheetah print pants with a party shirt. Sage looked at me before letting me go. I got inthe car with Liam and Luke. We went to a house and quickly got out to party, I danced a little when I sat at the bar.

"Can I just have a cup of wine", I asked.

"Sure", said the man.

He had a tuxito and blond hair,he gave me my drink and flirted with me but I didnt buge. Just when I was gonna punch this fool two random guy run in with a water guns shooting at people, I felt someone grab me and ran towards a room. I notice it was Liam,

"You okay",he asked.

"yeah thanks".

"Oh dont thank me now".

I looked confused and he quickly pinned me on the bed tieing me down. I sceamed trying to get away but to late, he ripped my clothes off staring at me. He ran his hands down just before he reached down there I slitted in his face and I had my hand in a fist and notice it was glowing. I swong at him and as soon as it contact with his face he flew across the room breaking the wall. I gasp my power. Out of no where Sage and my brother ran in my brother went after Liam while Sage untied me.

"Are you okay",He said pulling his shirt over me.

I sobbed into his chest. I notice my brother looking at the wall then to me. I nodded and he gave me smile.

"How did that hole happen", Sage said.

"I dont know".

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